Environmental Impact Assessment of Mine Tailings Spill …
The generation of tailings in the world today is immense, since only ounces or pounds of metals are extracted for each ton of ore processed. In 2022, it was estimated that more than 14 billion metric tons of mining tailings were produced per year in the world. Currently, many environmental problems associated with tailings management in …
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Copper Mining and Processing: Processing Copper Ores
Copper processing is a complicated process that begins with mining of the ore (less than 1% copper) and ends with sheets of 99.99% pure copper called cathodes, which will ultimately be made into products for everyday use.The most common types of ore, copper oxide and copper sulfide, undergo two different processes, hydrometallurgy and …
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Transforming Mining Waste to Wealth: A Novel Process for …
Rapid economic development and increased demand for mineral products in China have led to extensive extraction of various ores, resulting in significant environmental challenges associated with the generation of industrial solid waste, particularly iron tailings. Despite being a major mining nation, China faces issues of wasteful practices, …
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A review of circular economy strategies for mine tailings
The mine tailings are also reported to be reused as fine aggregates in concrete to replace natural sand, e.g. by the use of copper tailings (Thomas et al., 2013) and the use of low-sulphide Pb–Zn tailings (Argane et al., 2016). 5.3.2. Upgrading tailings as secondary raw materials for the ceramic industry
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Socio-Environmental Risks Linked with Mine Tailings …
In the case of copper mine tailings obtained by flotation, it is not mandatory to install geomembrane-type geosynthetic systems on the entire surface of the TSF reservoir. ... Lancellotti, D.; Stotz, W. Effects of shoreline discharge of iron mine tailings on a marine soft-bottom community in northern Chile. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2004, …
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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Recovering Iron from Iron Ore Tailings …
Iron ore tailings (IOTs) are a form of solid waste produced during the beneficiation process of iron ore concentrate. In this paper, iron recovery from IOTs was studied at different points during a process involving pre-concentration followed by direct reduction and magnetic separation. Then, slag-tailing concrete composite admixtures …
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How to handle mine tailings safely and …
Driven by mining volumes, globally generated tailings are estimated to total up to 3.2 billion tons for copper and up to 1.8 billion tons for iron per year. Water conservation and the cost of ...
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Optimizing iron separation and recycling from iron tailings: …
Iron tailings, a type of refractory iron ores, pose a challenge for effective iron recovery due to the complex mineral combinations and liberation modes. ... [18], iron tailings [19], red mud [20], copper smelting slag [21]. ... The iron tailings were obtained from a tailings pond in Dabaoshan Mining Co, Ltd. located in Shaoguan City, …
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The chemistry and toxicity of discharge waters from copper …
Copper mining generates large quantities of waste, tailings, and acid outflows causing long-term environmental impacts and potential threats to human health. Valea Şesei is the largest tailing impoundment in Romania, created by flooding the …
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Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in copper mine …
An investigation of concentrations of copper, cobalt and cadmium minerals in soils and mango fruits growing on Konkola copper mine tailings dam in Chingola, Zambia. Arch. Sci. 1, 2–5 (2017).
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Ferric minerals and organic matter change arsenic speciation in copper
Arsenic (As) is commonly associated with Cu ore minerals, with the resultant risk that As can be released offsite from mine tailings. We used synchrotron-based fluorescence X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) imaging to provide in situ, laterally-resolved speciation of As within tailings which differed in magnetite content …
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The Visitor Experience is dedicated to educating the public about the key role Kennecott plays in modern life, safe mining practices, and responsible environmental stewardship. Learn about our history and see first-hand the gigantic scale of our operation, vehicles, and artifacts. Discover how ore gets processed and refined to become 99.99% copper, an …
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Recent practices in mine tailings' recycling and reuse
Copper-rich tailings can be turned into lightweight ceramics by sintering iron tailings mixed with fly ash and sewage sludge in paint making. Tailings can be used as additives for soil in road construction in the construction industry. ... Production of eco-friendly bricks from copper mine tailings through geopolymerization. Construction and ...
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Mine tailings-based geopolymers: Properties, applications …
Among various mine tailings as source material for geopolymer the copper mine tailings (CMTs), iron mine tailings (IMTs), and gold mine tailings (GMTs) are widely researched as is summarized in Table 1.In the geopolymer, they are often mixed with other alumina silicate source materials e.g. fly ash, blast furnace slag, metakaolin, …
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What are Tailings
Mineral commodities commonly recovered in the United States are copper, gold, silver, iron, lead, zinc, uranium and coal. The commodity, as a product, is sold and used to fabricate many things such as parts for a car, electrical cable for energy transmission and jewelry. ... Mine Tailings Storage: Safety is No Accident, United Nations ...
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Carbon emission curves for iron ore, copper, met coal and …
The copper carbon intensity curve covers Scope 1 and 2 emissions from mine sites, plus freight and downstream processing to copper cathode. The assets covered account for over 86 million tonnes ...
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Processing Tests, Adjusted Cost Models and the …
The copper grade is substantially higher compared to the average copper grade in tailings from the 1930s of 0.33% and far above the average of SERNAGEOMIN's cadaster of mine tailings (sampling only the first meter), which gives copper grades of 0.27% for inactive and abandoned tailings <10 M t . The investigated TSF was in operation between ...
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Underestimated environmental benefits of tailings resource …
Among the tailings produced in China in 2019, iron tailings were 520 million tons, accounting for 40.9%, copper tailings were 325 million tons, accounting for 25.6%, and the rest were rare and precious metal and non-metal tailings (Du et al., 2020). Among all types of tailings, non-ferrous metal tailings have a tremendous pollution potential ...
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The chemistry and toxicity of discharge waters from copper mine …
Copper mining generates large quantities of waste, tailings, and acid outflows causing long-term environmental impacts and potential threats to human health. Valea Şesei is the largest tailing impoundment in Romania, created by flooding the valley (known as Valea Şesei) of the Metalliferous Mountains (a division of the Apuseni …
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The Reprocessing and Revalorization of Critical Minerals in Mine Tailings
Mine tailings, the byproduct of mining and mineral processing, are increasingly mass produced as a result of increased demand for metals and minerals as well as the advancement in technology that allows for the exploitation of lower-grade ores. Lower grades can increase the volume of tailings that may contain new gangue …
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Characterisation of the Sarcheshmeh copper mine tailings, …
Mineral processing operation at the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine has produced huge quantities of tailings materials containing sulphide minerals in particular pyrite. These tailings materials were geochemically and mineralogically characterised to assess pyrite and chalcopyrite oxidation, acid mine drainage generation, and trace …
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Mine tailings-based geopolymers: A comprehensive review
Iron mine tailings-geopolymer composites are produced in a way similar to copper mine tailings-geopolymer composites, with or without the incorporation of alumina-silicate source components.
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Socio-Environmental Risks Linked with Mine Tailings …
In the case of copper mine tailings obtained by flotation, it is not mandatory to install geomembrane-type geosynthetic systems on the entire surface of the TSF reservoir. ... Batista É.R., Inda A.V., Curi N., et al. Potentially toxic elements in iron mine tailings: Effects of reducing soil pH on available concentrations of toxic elements ...
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The Use of Acid Leaching to Recover Metals from Tailings: A …
In 2021, Godirilwe conducted leaching experiments on tailings material from Bor Copper Mine, Serbia, considering both raw tailings and a concentrated tailings variant. Characterization of the samples revealed differences in copper and iron content, with the raw tailings containing 0.24% Cu and 3.51% Fe, while the concentrated …
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All of the World's Mine Tailings, in One Visualization
Visualizing the Size of Mine Tailings. On January 25th, 2019, a 10-meter tall wave traveling 120 km/h, washed 10 million m 3 of mining waste from the Brumadinho tailings dam over the Brazilian countryside killing somewhere between 270 and 320 people.. This was a manmade disaster, made from mining the materials we use daily. …
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Experimental Study of Geopolymer Binder Synthesized with Copper Mine
AbstractThe use of waste materials in construction is gaining increasing interest due to the development of new technologies. This paper presents an experimental study on geopolymer binder produced with copper mine tailings (MT) and …
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Improving Flocculation Performance of Copper Flotation Tailings …
The tailings generated in copper mining plants typically contain clay and provide a variety of sedimentation challenges because of their colloidal size and amorphous nature. ... Arjmand, R., Massinaei, M., & Behnamfard, A. (2019). Improving flocculation and dewatering performance of iron tailings thickeners. Journal of Water Process …
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Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in copper mine …
In the present study, concentration of the heavy metals; Copper (Cu), Cobalt (Co), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb), Manganese (Mn), and Zinc (Zn) in soil from mine waste dumpsites around Kitwe (Sites:...
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Distribution of Zinc, Copper, and Iron in the Tailings Dam of …
Abstract. This paper addresses the mechanism of acid mine drainage generation in tailings from an abandoned mine site and predicts the evolution of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) concentrations.
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New approaches for extracting and recovering metals from mine tailings
Stankovic et al. (2015) estimated that between 54,000 and 81,000 t of copper is present in the old flotation tailings at the Bor mine. These authors used the acidic ferric iron-rich water in the nearby Lake Robule to leach copper from these tailings, and extracted ∼80% of that present.
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