Improving productivity in mining operations: a deep
1 Introduction. Efficient fleet management is crucial in mining operations to maximize productivity and minimize costs, which constitute approximately 50% of …
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Evaluating and optimizing the effectiveness of mining …
According to studies that have so far been conducted we can easily tell that a productive and optimal haulage equipment forms a very important part of the mining …
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Utilization of Remote Sensing and GIS in Geology and Mining …
However, geospatial technology can play an enhanced role in this context. Therefore, this article's focal point is to systematically review Remote Sensing and GIS utilization in geology and mining ...
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Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends and …
Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a tool to improve the efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. Technological progress has also been crucial to allow the exploitation of new deposits in more complex scenarios: …
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Utilization vs. Efficiency: What's the Difference? (Plus Tips)
Updated June 24, 2022. Utilization and efficiency are two performance indicators that manufacturing companies use to make plans and determine success. They can be helpful in comparing production levels to manufacturing capacities. Learning more about these metrics can help you understand how to measure gains, especially when you …
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Performance Measurement of Mining Equipments by …
Mining is a very capital-intensive industry, and it is known fact that the equipment utilization and accurate estimation of this utilization are very important since mine …
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Digging Deeper: Increasing mining equipment's efficiency
Mining industry uses approximately four percent of the world's energy according to the International Energy Agency. This makes efficiency an important consideration for mining industry. This is true both at equipment level efficiency and site-level efficiency. Mines use energy for tasks ranging from mobile machinery operation to …
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A Systematic Review on Healthcare Analytics: Application …
Motivation and Scope. There is a large body of recently published review/conceptual studies on healthcare and data mining. We outline the characteristics of these studies—e.g., scope/healthcare sub-area, timeframe, and number of papers reviewed—in Table 1.For example, one study reviewed awareness effect in type 2 …
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Evaluating and optimizing the effectiveness of mining equipment…
1.3.1. Physical life. The physical life in this research paper will be taken as the service life of the equipment. This phase of the equipment life is largely impacted by repair and maintenance (Gransberg et al., 2006) and comes to an end when the equipment is no longer operational.Preventive maintenance is a very important part of this physical …
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(PDF) Reliability centred maintenance (RCM) for heavy
Dey et al. [4] studied the reliability of truck tires in order to ensure the sufficient availability of the trucks in a mining complex. Emphasizing on the importance of mining shovels in ...
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(PDF) Availability analysis of selected mining machinery
V olume 27 (LXIII), 2017. No. 2, pages 197–209. A vailability analysis of selected mining machinery. JAR OSŁ A W BRODN Y, SARA ALSZER, JOLANTA KRYSTEK and MAGDALENA TUTAK. Underground ...
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Improvement of Overall Equipment Performance of Underground Mining
The higher availability of machine gives an optimum utilization, which increase the production and productivity of these principal intensive items. Keeping this in view, this paper focuses on improvement of overall equipment performance (OEP) by calculating the percentage availability and capacity utilization of LHDs in underground …
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Mining Equipment Maintenance | SpringerLink
Maintenance is an important element of mining equipment life cycle. The chapter presents various important aspects of mining equipment maintenance including maintenance-related facts and figures, factors contributing to equipment maintenance cost in mines, maintenance of explosion protected switchgear in mines, useful maintenance …
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Importance of mining machine utiliation
WebAug 18, 2022 30 Run Hours/40 Available Hours x 100 71% Machine Utilization. In another scenario, in a 24/7 facility, the equipment would be scheduled with no idle hours, and the total available hours would be 168. If the machine runs 85 hours, the machine utilization rate would be 51%. 85 Run Hours/168 Available Hours x 100 51% Machine. …
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Improvement of Overall Equipment Performance of …
As a result of this, it is very essential to analyze the performance of LHD machines, to reduce the cost during the operations. The higher availability of machine …
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The use of Big Data Analytics in healthcare
The results of Big Data analysis can be used to predict the future. They also help in creating trends about the past. When it comes to healthcare, it allows to analyze large datasets from thousands of patients, identifying clusters and correlation between datasets, as well as developing predictive models using data mining techniques .
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Coal Mining in the British Industrial Revolution
The First Industrial Revolution, c. 1760 - 1840. Simeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-SA) Britain produced annually just 2.5 to 3 million tons of coal in 1700, but by 1900, this figure had rocketed to 224 million tons. In the 19th century, Britain was mining two-thirds of the world's coal.
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In the event of a breakdown, production is maintained by the crew picking up another machine on standby or just out of repair. In order to properly schedule and size the overall equipment fleet, knowledge of a number of factors dealing with machine availability and utilization are needed. In this regard, one or more of the following terms are ...
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Importance Of Mining
Sustainable power, renewable energy, electric vehicles, advanced engineering, and commercial space travel will all rely on an increased source of the materials we already depend on ( Mining for the Green Economy ). The mining industry supports our everyday life but also provides the foundations of engineering achievements for the decades to …
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Utilization of data mining and machine learning in digital …
The purpose of the paper is to study and measure the usability level of new technologies such as machine learning (ML) and data mining (DM) in the banking sector. An overview of the current ...
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Behind the mining technology transformation | McKinsey
This can mean a productivity boost of 5 to 10 percent, which equates roughly to opening a new mine if applied across a typical mining company's footprint, without the capital cost. One metal mine is using advanced analytics and machine learning to develop an "industrial controller of controllers" to drive up throughput and mineral …
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Difference Between AVAILABILITY and UTILISATION in Mining …
The availability is determined by dividing the hours the machine is available and is used, plus the hours it is available but not used due to various reasons in a Shift. It is normally expressed in percentages. 2. UTILISATION. It is defined as the ratio of the time (in hours) the machine is actually used/worked to the total Shift hours.
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Mining: Exploration, Exploitation, and Reclamation
from sensors installed in mining equipment, analyze data via ML to predict when mining equipment has failed and requires maintenance [14,15]. In [16–19], ML applications have been reviewed for mineral processing as well as soft computing technology in exploration, digitalization trends in the mining industry, and automation in …
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(PDF) Effective utilization of man shift through …
Insight of man-machine interfaces during mining machine operations, better co-ordinance with human efficiencies and suitable workload selection in underground mining machine operation are the …
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Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends and …
Philipp Hartlieb. 58k Accesses. 52 Citations. 46 Altmetric. 4 Mentions. Explore all metrics. Abstract. Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a …
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Optimizing LHD utilization
that the machine's actual availability was 86% and the utilization ranged between 30% and 42%.This shows that the availability of the machine has met its target. Therefore the main problem was with the LHD utilization and that is what the project focuses on. To satisfy the objectives, the author firstly studied the existing mining data
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Analyzing the Machine Utilization and Overall Equipment …
Overall Equipment Effectiveness. It is a way to monitor and improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process.OEE is one of the ways to optimize the performance of the existing equipment and gives ability to measure the machines for productivity improvement. LITERATURE REVIEW. Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a …
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• availability • operational availability • mechanical availability • physical availability • utilization • use of availability • working efficiency • job efficiency • operating …
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(PDF) Performance Measurement of Mining Equipment
Website: ( ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Vo lume 5, Issue 7, July 2015) 240. Performance Measurement of Mining …
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New Method to Study the Effectiveness of Mining …
The sustainable development of mining processes requires a deep knowledge of the effectiveness of mining equipment and is quite complex to analyze due to the intrinsic characteristics of the mining industry. In this regard, its measurement and control can lead to appropriate management, improving the mining processes' …
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