Artificial neural network modeling (ANN) for predicting …
PDF | On Jun 15, 2015, G.H. Shafabakhsh and others published Artificial neural network modeling (ANN) for predicting rutting performance of nano-modified hot-mix asphalt mixtures containing steel ...
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The study of the feasibility of using recycled steel slag …
Substitution of natural aggregates with steel slag aggregates can improve the properties of the asphalt mixture and reduce steel production wastes [19].
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(PDF) The effect of recycled concrete aggregate and steel slag …
Steel slag aggregates use in hot mix asphalt concrete. shown in the figure, regression lines were drawn through the sam- Final report prepared for the steelmaking slag technical committee. Toronto, ples means at each level of strain, and a normal linear relationship Ont. John Emery Geotechnical Engineering; 1993. ...
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The study of the feasibility of using recycled steel slag aggregate …
Steel slag–asphalt mixture had greater adhesion and better adhesion performance because the pits and textures on the surface of the steel slag aggregate produced a skeleton–like effect that strengthened the phase strength of the asphalt–slag aggregate interface, thereby improving theAdhesion and increasing the physical …
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(PDF) Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used As Aggregate in Asphalt
This study evaluates the use of Steel Slag Aggregates (SSA) as a substitute for natural aggregates in the production of hot mix asphalt. ... Ahmedzade and B. Sengoz, "Evaluation of Steel Slag Coarse Aggregate in Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete," Journal of Hazardous Materials 165, pp. 300-305, 2009. M. Pasetto and N. Baldo, "Experimental ...
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Steel Slag as an Aggregate Replacement in Malaysian Hot Mix Asphalt
As natural aggregate sources are becoming depleted due to high demand in road construction and the amount of disposed waste material keeps increasing, researchers are exploring the use of alternative materials which could preserve natural sources and save the environment. In this study, steel slag was used as an aggregate …
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The study of the feasibility of using recycled steel slag aggregate …
As a result, as reported by Liu et al. [2], about 69.9%, 32.4% and 40.8% of waste from the steel-making process, steel slag aggregates, were used in road construction in Europe, Japan and the ...
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Studies on Strength and Behaviour of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Steel Slag …
Keywords: Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): Steel Slag Aggregate (SSA): Natural Aggregates (NA): Marshall Mix design: Steel slag is a by-product of the steel industry. These waste materials create environmental pollution in the vicinity as they are imperishable and safe disposal of Industrial wastes is a major problem. This made …
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Hitesh Kumar, Sudhir Varma*
1.1. Physical and mechanical properties of steel slag Aggregates used in producing hot mix asphalt should possess suitable physical and mechanical properties to resist degradation, that may result over the pavement's service life. Most of the transportation agencies specify limits on gradation, soundness,
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Steel Slag
The slag processor may also be required to satisfy moisture content criteria (e.g., limit the amount of moisture in the steel slag aggregate prior to shipment to a hot mix asphalt plant) and to adopt material handling (processing and stockpiling) practices similar to those used in the conventional aggregates industry to avoid potential …
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Laboratory Evaluation of Damage Behavior of Warm Mix Asphalt …
Researchers have investigated application of steel slag in hot mix asphalt [25][26][27][28][29][30][31], warm mix asphalt [32] [33][34][35][36][37], chip seal [38] and stone mastic asphalt [39][40 ...
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Blast Furnace Slag as a Substitute for the Fine Fraction of Aggregates …
Standard test method for preparation and determination of the relative density of hot mix asphalt (HMA) specimens by means of the superpave gyratory compactor. ASTM D6925. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM. Google Scholar. ... Strategies regarding use of steel slag aggregate in pavements. A report to the state legislature in response …
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A review on utilization of steel slag in hot mix asphalt
Road construction involves large quantity of construction materials, primarily obtained from natural sources. Utilization of waste materials in construction activities can reduce burden on these natural sources. To achieve sustainable development, use of steel slag as a substitute to natural-aggregates has gained significant attention. …
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Use of steel slag aggregate in asphalt concrete mixes
The use of steel slag in paving mixes should be limited to replacement of either the fine or the coarse aggregate fraction, but not both, because hot-mix asphalt containing steel slag is susceptible to a high proportion of air voids and bulking problems because of the angular shape of the SSA.3 Mixes with a high proportion of air voids (e ...
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The study of the feasibility of using recycled steel slag aggregate …
The fatigue life of the recycled samples increased under loading with low strain level when higher percentages of the recycled aggregate were replaced, but it reversed at higher strains. Finally, the results indicated that using recycled steel slag for producing hot mix asphalt could produce a more durable asphalt in comparison to using RAP.
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Characteristics of hot mix asphalt containing steel slag …
This study investigated the behavior of hot mix asphalt mixture containing steel slag aggregate (SHMA). Compared to hot mix asphalt mixture containing granite …
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Laboratory investigation of moisture susceptibility of warm-mix asphalt …
A number of completed or ongoing studies on warm-mix asphalt (WMA) and steel slag (SS) asphalt mixtures have been conducted all over the world. ... The results generally indicated that use of coarse SS aggregate in WMA mixtures enhances the resistance of asphalt mixtures to moisture damage. Hence, use of steel slag …
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Experimental Study of Steel Slag Used as Aggregate in …
American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2017; 2(1): 26-32 27 of raw steel production) is a valuable scrap, [5]. There are several different types of steel slag produced during the
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Characteristics of hot mix asphalt containing steel slag aggregate
In the last decades, steel slag has been analyzed in several studies: basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag was integrated into a warm [13,14], porous [15] hot mix asphalt [16], stone mastic asphalt ...
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Influence of recycled concrete and steel slag aggregates on warm-mix
The EAFS and RCA aggregates were examined in terms of their potential to release dangerous compounds, according to EN 12457-4 [21] and EN 1744-3 [22].The obtained analysis revealed that both used by-products easily satisfy all the requirements indicated in the European regulations for leaching limits [23].. Conventional 35/50 paving …
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Evaluation of steel slag coarse aggregate in hot mix asphalt …
Abstract. This paper presents the influences of the utilization of steel slag as a coarse aggregate on the properties of hot mix asphalt. Four different asphalt mixtures containing two types of asphalt cement (AC-5; AC-10) and coarse aggregate (limestone; steel slag) were used to prepare Marshall specimens and to determine optimum …
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Moisture characteristics of warm mix asphalt containing …
Steel Slag Warm Mix Asphalt (SS-WMA) interesting substitutions for conventional Hot Mix Asphalt mix-tures. Furthermore, presence of moisture initiates and ... percentage of aggregate used in each standard sieve 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0.075 0.3 2.36 4.75 12.5 19 Percentage passing (%)
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Effect of steel slag on compaction times of asphalt mixtures …
This study investigates the thermal properties of asphalt mixtures incorporating steel slag as a potential substitute of natural aggregates in hot mix …
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Performance Evaluation of Steel Slag on Hot Mix Asphalt …
The outcomes derived from the study indicate that asphalt mixtures containing steel slag additives at varying proportions (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by …
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Behavior of Hot-Mix Asphalt Containing Blast Furnace Slag as Aggregate
Significant amounts of blast furnace slag (BFS) are generated daily as by-product from iron and steel industries. This waste material usually has interesting physical properties and mineralogical and chemical composition, which can be useful as granular aggregate in the production of hot mix asphalt (HMA).
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Expansive characteristics of the steel slag aggregates were determined by Pennsylvania Test Method 130. HMA mixtures made with steel slag aggregates and limestone aggregate (control) were subjected to hot-water conditioning and Lottman freeze-and-thaw conditioning to determine potential problems, such as swell and moisture-induced damage.
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Hot mix asphalt (HMA) is a merger of 95% stone, sand, or gravel bound together by asphalt cement. Steel slag is a byproduct of the steel making process. The use of Steel slag in HMA can have a large economical, environmental, and engineering impact in pavement construction. Introduction of steel slag as aggregates reduces
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A review on utilization of steel slag in hot mix asphalt
Steel slag as aggregate has many well-known applications in road construction such as, hot mix asphalt, cement concrete mix, antiskid-layer, granular …
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Use of steel slag aggregate in asphalt concrete mixes
Flow chart of the work conducted on the use of steel slag aggregate in asphalt concrete mixes. 3Qasrawi, H., Asi, I., and Marie, I. Steel slag aggregate for road construction: an overview. Paper ...
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Use of steel slag aggregate in asphalt concrete …
The use of steel slag in paving mixes should be limited to. replacement of either the fine or the coarse aggregate frac. tion, but not both, because hot-mix asphalt containing . steel slag is ...
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