Refractory Gold Pressure Oxidation Technology at …
The Campbell Mine pressure oxidation plant uses the following pro - cess steps: • Pretreatment of concentrate with recycled acidic slurry • Oxidation of sulphides in the autoclave • Flashing of autoclave discharge slurry •ashing of oxidation residue to remove acid and cyanicides W Gold recovery by conventional cyanidation
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Model-based analysis of pressure oxidation autoclave …
In essence, pressure oxidation is a pre-treatment step that aims at decomposing "refractory" gold mineral carriers by oxidation with molecular oxygen in multi-compartment continuous autoclaves at temperatures between 180 and 220 [ 1 ]. Because the oxidation reactions are highly exothermic, water is injected to control the temperature.
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Under Pressure and Feeling the Heat: Autoclave Technology at …
Autoclaves are incorporated in the flowsheets for high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) and pressure oxidation (POX) processes. The process applied, either HPAL or POX, is directly related to the ore or ...
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Pressure Oxidation Treatment
Gold recoveries of 97 to 98% were achieved in the second test with a temperature and pressure of 170°C (338°F) and 1.4 MPa (200 psig). The above results were obtained using 3 to 4 hours autoclave retention time and feed slurry densities of 30 to 35% solids. Autoclave discharges were highly oxidized as indicated by the acidity of 80 …
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Autoclave Lining Construction with Dissimilar Materials
Pressure oxidation autoclaves for the recovery of gold, copper, and other metals operate at corrosive conditions that require specialized materials of construction. Typical autoclave construction consists of carbon steel pressure vessels lined with acid-resistant membrane and refractory systems.
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autoclave pressure oxidation gold au – Grinding Mill China
Deportment of gold in an autoclave pressure …. Deportment of gold in an autoclave pressure oxidation (AC-POX))/carbon in leach (CIL) residue … of preg-robbed surface gold in two different forms: metallic gold and Au … » Free Online Chat Processes – Autoclaving Circuit – Gulinc, Canadian … Important paramaters in the oxidation of …
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Scaleup of pressure oxidation processes | Mining, …
The successful commercialization of a pressure oxidation (POX) process for recovering metal values, including gold, copper, zinc, nickel and molybdenum, is the result of a carefully planned development program. The initial task involves developing one or more conceptual flowsheets, including the POX autoclave and downstream purification …
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Gold deportment and leaching study from a pressure oxidation …
Besides assessing the mineralogy of solid autoclave discharge, understanding the gold association with different mineral phases is vital in the recovery prediction and flowsheet selection. ... [Au] soln is the gold concentration in leachate, mg/L, V soln is the ... jarosite, and magnetite during pressure oxidation. Gold and arsenic in …
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Pressure-oxidation autoclave as an analogue for …
Pressure oxidation of refractory gold ores containing pyrite (FeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS) in an autoclave is viewed as analogous to the natural acid-sulfate alteration of andesite rocks during ...
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Alkaline Pressure Oxidation of a Gold- Bearing
Alkaline pressure oxidation at 160°C, 2413 kPa O2and 2 M NaOH resulted in about 98% sulfur oxidation and 86% arsenic dissolution. Cyanidation of the leach residue resulted in 82% Au extraction ...
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Cyanide-free recovery of metals from polymetallic and refractory gold
Pressure oxidation conditions are similar to those used in conventional refractory gold autoclaves. Atmospheric leaching of POX residue is one patented Kell innovation that is useful for ore types with other HCl-soluble components, while the heat treatment innovation is useful for ore types with components deleterious to chlorination …
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Pressure Oxidation Modelling for Design and Optimisation
For this flowsheet, the POX circuit is integrated with a copper heap leach that uses sulphuric acid generated from copper sulphate produced in the pressure …
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(PDF) Pressure oxidation overview
The equation proposed for gold is: The pressure oxidation of pyrite involves ... highest extraction of Au were obtained with an oxygen pressure of 0.5 MPa, 6 g/L sodium cyanide, and a temperature ...
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Iodide Pressure Oxidation Gold Leaching
It includes two stages of operation. First, the refractory ore is subjected to an autoclave oxidation. At elevated temperatures usually above 180°C and in acidic or alkaline medium and pressurized oxygen, sulfide minerals are oxidized for a period of 1-2 hours. The slurry is then discharged from the autoclave and neutralized with lime, the …
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Alkaline Pressure Oxidation of a Gold-Bearing
Alkaline pressure oxidation at 160°C, 2413 kPa O2, and 2 M NaOH resulted in about 98% sulfur oxidation and 86% arsenic dissolution. Cyanidation of the leach residue resulted in 82% Au extraction.
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Fundamentals of partial pressure oxidation of gold bearing …
Pressure oxidation (POX) technology has been used worldwide to treat refractory gold ores. Despite decades of operation, the chemistry inside the autoclave has not been fully established, and in particular the chemistry of iron is of critical importance. The aims of this thesis are to investigate the role of ferric as surrogate oxidant, determine the solubility of …
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Effect of Chloride Concentration on Gold Recovery in …
The higher the Cl concentration, the lower the reduction potential (E) of AuCl. 4 -/Au. Oxidation of Auo is more favourable due to common ion effect, according to this reaction: AuCl -+ 3 e- Æ. 4 Auo + 4 Cl-. Study extended to effect of temperature, ferrous/ferric ratio and H2SO 4 concentration.
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Pressure Oxidation Leaching Process
Batch Autoclave Laboratory Procedures: The vessel used for the laboratory pressure oxidation process was a two-liter Parr titanium autoclave with dual impellers.It was heated and cooled externally and was pressurized with commercial-grade oxygen. A positive bleed of offgas was maintained in each test; the rate was measured in the …
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Summary of Gold Plants and Processes
Summary of Gold Plants and Flow Sheets Discussed in Gold Ore Processing, Second Edition. Implemented with tube autoclaves 1.5 km long and 5 cm inner diameter. Leaching at ambient temperature and 5 MPa oxygen pressure and 0.2–0.5% NaCN; 15 min residence time for 85% recovery. Cyanide oxidation negligible.
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Effect of Chloride Concentration on Gold Recovery in …
Autoclave Technology Group, a multi-discipline design group specializing in the design of high-pressure metals recovery plants. Overview of Gold Recovery Process. NaCN. …
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Optimisation of Circuits for Gold Pressure Oxidation
Pressure oxidation is one method of rendering the ores more suitable for cyanidation. The focus of this work is optimisation of autoclave configuration for pressure oxidation. An …
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sbm/sbm autoclave pressure oxidation gold au c grinding …
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Pressure oxidation (POX) is employed for gold recovery from refractory ores where gold particles ... The autoclave was first heated to a set point 0 to 10 °C below the target temperature, to ...
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Deportment of gold in an autoclave pressure oxidation (AC …
Deportment of gold in an autoclave pressure oxidation (AC-POX))/carbon in leach (CIL) residue - Surface Science Western. Request for analysis: A carbonaceous refractory …
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Manipulating Iron Precipitation and Gold Deportment …
This can be achieved via three main routes: (i) roasting at high temperature (> 800 ˚C), an approach that has been phased out in Australia; (ii) BIo-OXidation (BIOX) …
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ALTA 2013 Gold eProceedings
Gold Conference Melbourne, Australia PROCEEDINGS 4th Annual Gold Event Sponsored by. PROCEEDINGS OF ALTA 2013 GOLD SESSIONS 30-31 …
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Cyanide-free recovery of metals from polymetallic and …
Sulphur and other soluble metals are first selectively removed by use of a pressure oxidation leaching step during which the dissolution of precious metals such …
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Pressure Oxidation Leaching Process
Batch Autoclave Laboratory Procedures: The vessel used for the laboratory pressure oxidation process was a two-liter Parr titanium autoclave with dual impellers. It was heated and cooled externally and was pressurized with commercial-grade oxygen. A positive bleed of offgas was maintained in each test; the rate was measured in the offgas after the …
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Pressure Oxidation Overview
An overview of the pressure oxidation of refractory gold ores is provided in this chapter. ... Au: Whole ore: 1985: California, USA: 175: 2200: Au: Sulfide concentrate: 1986: São Bento, Brazil: 190: ... Most pressure oxidation autoclaves are protected by corrosion resistant, ...
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Pressure oxidation overview
Pressure oxidation refers to the oxidation of sulfides, such as pyrite [FeS 2] and marcasite [FeS 2], at elevated temperature and pressure. Oxidation releases encapsulated gold grains from the sulfides and makes the oxidation residue of the ore …
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