Coal utilization | Volatile Matter & Chemistry | Britannica
coal utilization, combustion of coal or its conversion into useful solid, gaseous, and liquid products. By far the most important use of coal is in combustion, mainly to provide heat to the boilers of electric power plants. Metallurgical coke is the major product of coal conversion. In addition, techniques for gasifying and liquefying coal into fuels or into …
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A novel path for carbon-rich resource utilization with lower emission
Coal gasification, the major approach to coal-based chemicals synthesis, suffers from substantial carbon dioxide emission.Reducing CO 2 emission is the emphasis and hotspot in coal chemical industry. On the other hand, the traditional coking process is inefficiency of carbon and hydrogen resources utilization. For higher coal resource …
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Review of the characteristics and graded utilisation of coal
Yang et al. [22] and Zhao et al. [17] analysed the chemical compositions of fine slag from the Ningxia Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. Texaco gasifier, four-nozzle opposite gasifier and GSP coal gasifier, and concluded that the gasification slag was mainly composed of SiO 2, Al 2 O 3, CaO, Fe 2 O 3, MgO and C.In addition, notable differences …
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The Chemistry and Technology of Coal
The demand for coal use (for electricity generation) and coal products, particularly liquid fuels and chemical feedstocks, is increasing throughout the world. Traditional markets such as North America and Europe are experiencing a steady increase in demand whereas emerging Asian markets, such as India and China, are witnessing a rapid surge in …
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Coal Processing and Utilization
Description. This book is a direct outgrowth of classes that the authors gave over a period of three decades to a university audience taking a Mineral Beneficiation course as a major that included coal processing and utilization. It is designed to be used as a student's (or layman's) first introduction to coal processing and utilization ...
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coal processing and coal utilization
Coal utilization is the process in which coal is burned to generate energy and power. This process involves burning coal in boilers, turbines and other heating systems in order to heat water or to ...
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Coal chemical industry and its sustainable development in …
In early 21st century, the coal chemical industry in China will be oriented to the development of high efficiency, safety, cleanliness, and optimum utilization. In this review, the authors present an introduction to the utilization status of primary energy production and consumption in China. Since 2005, fundamental research studies, …
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A clean coal utilization technology based on coal pyrolysis …
Coal chemical technology is a preferred approach to generating petrochemical feedstock and clean fuels as target products by using raw coal [1]. The utilisation of chemically processed coal has ...
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Highly efficient carbon utilization of coal-to-methanol process …
A novel coal-to-methanol process integrated with coke-oven gas chemical looping hydrogen and chemical looping air separation is designed and analysed to improve carbon utilization efficiency, methanol production, and reduce CO 2 emissions. The major advantage of the novel process is that the integration between coal gasification and …
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Process Chemistry of Coal Utilization | ScienceDirect
Key Features. Compiles fully validated reaction mechanisms that accurately depict the coal quality impacts in all major coal utilization technologies. Includes an abundance of lab datasets that clearly illustrate how operating conditions affect coal-based reaction systems.
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Coal Flotation and Fine Coal Utilization
This is the first monograph on the processing of fine coal which recognizes that all unit operations that handle fine coal depend on coal surface properties, and which in one single volume provides a comprehensive introduction to coal surface chemistry, using it rigorously in treating coal flotation fundamentals and engineering, fine coal ...
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Coal Utilization
The Effect of Coal Utilization Emissions on Natural and Man-managed Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems. In Environmental Impacts of Coal Mining & Utilization, 1987. 1 Introduction. The environmental impacts of increased coal utilization are primarily the result of the emission of air pollutants arising from combustion processes, or coal …
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Research progress and prospects of coal petrology and coal …
The research on coal petrology will improve the scientificity and safety of coal mining in China, and promote the efficient processing and utilization of coal chemical industry. The unique coal chemical products (such as graphene and hydrogen energy) and rare metals in coal are important sources of future medical and military materials.
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Development, Status, and Prospects of Coal Tar Hydrogenation Technology
School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, 229# Taibai Road, Xi'an, 710069 PR China), Fax: (+86)-029-88305825. Shaanxi Research Center of Chemical Engineering Technology for Resource Utilization, Xi'an, 710069 PR China. Search for more papers by this author ... The developments in process technology, coal tar refinement, …
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Coal Processing
Resource Demands of Coal Production. In Environmental Impacts of Coal Mining & Utilization, 1987. 3.4 A Water-conscious Future. Having estimated the quantity and location of future coal production and processing, and the methods by which this coal will be extracted, transported and processed, Alcamo (1984) computed the industry's …
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Coal maceral chemistry and its implications for selectivity in coal
These variations in maceral chemistry may have significant impact on the behavior of the coal during processing and may also complicate predictions of this behavior. ... Coal Preparation and ...
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Trace elements in coal: Associations with coal and minerals …
Slemr and Langer [32] pointed out an increase in the concentration of Hg (1.46%) in the Northern Hemisphere due to a rising trend in coal consumption (2.1%) between 1965 and 1987. Studies have shown that despite the comparatively large amounts of element mobilized from the coal, almost for all the elements (except Hg and Se) less …
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Overview of industrial utilization of coal
Abstract. This chapter provides an overview of status of coal usage using existing and emerging technologies for power generation, metal processing, coal conversion, other industrial use of coal, and carbon capture in coal-fired power plants. The current "state-of-play" and implications of suggested developmental trends of emerging, …
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Transformation and Development of the Coal-Based …
The coal-based energy industry has a wide range of businesses including coal mining, utilization, and conversion. Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground, coal utilization mainly refers to the use of coal for power generation, and coal conversion involves the modern coal chemical industry.
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Coal: exploration, reserves, and utilization
Abstract. Coal exploration is a very demanding task, highly dependent on geological and economic factors and the utilization of coal. This lecture text includes …
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Coal Processing and Utilization
This process increases the heating value of the coal and decreases the pollutants that are produced by existent gangue after coal combustion (burning), thus increasing the quality, transport ...
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Process Chemistry of Coal Utilization: Impacts of Coal …
Process Chemistry of Coal Utilization: Reaction Mechanisms for Coal Decomposition and Volatiles Conversion relates major advances in coal science on how to interpret performance data from lab, pilot and commercial scales.The book presents a very broad range of quantitative methods, from statistical regressions, to rudimentary models, CFD …
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Coal Processing and Utilization
Coal Processing and Utilization. D.V. Subba Rao, T. Gouricharan. CRC Press, May 5, 2016 - Technology & Engineering - 540 pages. This book is a direct outgrowth of classes that the authors gave over a period of three decades to a university audience taking a Mineral Beneficiation course as a major that included coal …
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Coal Chemistry Industry: From Production of Liquid Fuels to …
Coal resources are one of the key energy sources and essential for modern economic development. Despite the traditional coal industries having made considerable contributions to chemical production and energy storage, the accompanying environmental pollution and high energy consumption have also arisen that cause significant influence …
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Coal Utilization
Stephen Niksa PhD, in Process Chemistry of Coal Utilization, 2020. 4.2.4 Particle size variations. From the review of coal utilization technologies of interest in Chapter 2, entrained flow systems use coal grinds as fine as 45 μm and fluidized systems use coarser sizes to several millimeters. Such a broad size range often carries important ...
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Coal | Uses, Types, Pollution, & Facts | Britannica
Coal is an abundant natural resource that can be used as a source of energy, as a chemical source from which numerous synthetic compounds (e.g., dyes, oils, waxes, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides) can be derived, and in the production of coke for metallurgical processes. Coal is a major source of energy in the production of electrical …
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Chemistry of coal utilization | Semantic Scholar
Microwave beneficiation of coal to improve grindability and handleability. S. Marland. Materials Science, Engineering. 2001. Experimental results and analyses have shown that significant improvements in coal grindability (reductions in Relative Work Index) can be achieved by exposing coals to microwave radiation.…. Expand. Highly Influenced. PDF.
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Minerals | Special Issue : Coal Processing and …
The utilization of coal nowadays requires both in-depth research and extensive exploration, balanced with environmental concerns. An equally essential step before its …
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Coal Chemistry Industry: From Production of Liquid …
Despite the traditional coal industries having made considerable contributions to chemical production and energy storage, the accompanying …
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(PDF) Conceptual Design Development of Coal-To-Methanol Process …
Conventionally, the coal-to-methanol process generates a substantial amount of CO2 emissions with a low yield of methanol. In this study, we propose the conceptual design development of coal-to ...
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