Mining Lease
Mineral Titles Branch will advise the lease applicant to: Arrange for publication of the lease application notice once each week for 4 consecutive weeks in a newspaper in general circulation in the geographic area of the lease; and. Publish in BC Gazette for 1 issue; and. Posting, on the ground, a copy of the lease application notice …
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Motherlode, Prospecting
Motherlode Prospecting Supplies Ltd. is a manufacturer and retailer of various gold prospecting equipment for the amateur to small placer miner / prospector. Some of our …
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Panning Reserves In British Columbia – BC Gold Adventures
The British Columbia government has set up 14 recreational panning reserves in the province. They are open to the public to use for recreational gold panning. Suction dredges, sluice boxes and mechanical devices are not allowed. Equipment is restricted to hand shovels, hand pans and classifier. Metal detectors are strictly forbidden. Metal detectors …
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BC Placer
Mineral Titles Online (MTO) is a web-based system provided by the BC Government. You can use it to... Make Maps that show placer claims, parks, private property, etc. look up claims and claim-owners. acquire claims, renew your FMC, register work, and more. For more help on doing things with MTO, see their.
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VIPMA – Vancouver Island Placer Miners Association
VIPMA became and is a voice for recreational and commercial Placer Miners on Vancouver Island. It has contributed to the Placer Industry across British Columbia. …
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Nelson Machinery
Placer Mining. Nelson Machinery & Equipment is the Industry Leader for New & Used Mining & Mineral Process Equipment. Nelson Machinery is at the forefront …
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BC Placer
Placer Mining Equipment. Equipment for placer mining is generally divided into two groups... Equipment for Digging. Equipment for processing dug material. Of course, …
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BC Placer
Now You Want a Claim of Your Own. There are two ways to get a claim. Acquire a new claim made up of one or more MTO grid cells that are open (not part of an existing claim or lease) for about $100 per cell. Cells vary in size depending on how far North they are. A typical cell is about 20 hectares - 200,000 square metres - a square of this area ...
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Placer Mining Claim $3000 for . LOCATION: BC placer tenure 1097000. 21.01 hectares / 51.91 acres. The property is located 27 km west-southwest "as the crow flies" of the City of Cranbrook, British Columbia. From Cranbrook, proceed northwest on Wycliffe Rd for 12 km, turning left on Perry Creek Road. Continue for 12 km to the historic ...
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BC Placer
Selling Placer Gold. For placer mining to make money, recovered gold must be sold. Placer gold is separated from the "concentrates" and sold to a refinery (in some cases, through a middle man). Placer gold is never pure - it usually contains silver (between 5% and 30%) and small amounts of other elements. In some areas, platinum is recovered ...
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Placer Mining & industrial gold Equipments | Nelson …
Placer Mining; Plants; Pumps; Scooptrams & Loaders; Screens; Services; Ship Loaders & Unloaders; Speed Reducers; Tanks; Thickeners & Clarifiers; Trommels; Trucks; …
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BC Placer
Gold panning is based on the fact that gold is a very dense - very heavy for its size - about 70% denser than lead. Given the chance, it will settle down through lighter sand and pebbles. You shovel some paydirt into your gold pan - enough to half or three-quarters fill it. You add water to the pan from time to time by gently lowering it into ...
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BCFNEMC and FNLC Call for Moratorium on Placer Mining in British Columbia
The BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council (BCFNEMC) and the First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) urgently call on the British Columbia government to immediately impose a moratorium on placer mining claims and leases as highlighted in a recently released report prepared for the FNEMC. The report titled, "The Need for a …
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Getting Started with Mineral and Placer Titles
Basic definitions for mineral and placer titles; New client. Becoming a client (Free Miner) to acquire and maintain mineral and placer titles; Claims. Acquiring and maintaining mineral and placer claims; Leases. Applying for and maintain mining and placer leases; Fees. Fees associated with mineral and placer titles
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The Forgotten Gold Mines of Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island is still a good place for prospectors to conduct small gold mining operations with basic hand tools and placer mining equipment. So, Vancouver Island still has productive locations for gold prospecting, and a number of places with rich history where it concerns gold prospecting include the Zeballos Area, located on the …
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Mineral and placer claims
Placer Claim - Work Requirement: $20 per hectare; Placer Claim - Cash-in-lieu of work: $40 per hectare; A permit is required before any work is performed on a claim. Permitting is administered by the regional mining offices (not the Mineral Titles Branch).
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VIPMA – Vancouver Island Placer Miners Association
VANCOUVER ISLAND PLACER MINERS ASSOCIATION. ATTENTION – 2024 Membership now open! Wednesday, MAY 08 – 2024 — General Meeting. ... It has contributed to the Placer Industry across British Columbia. Placer Mining has a deep and strong connection with why Vancouver Island and British Columbia ended up as part …
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BC Placer
Placer Areas are areas in BC where you can get a Placer Claim . They are also called "Placer Designated Areas" or "areas open for placer acquisition" or "placer registration" or "placer staking". Almost a quarter of the area of BC is covered by placer areas. This includes an area running from about as far south as Lillooet and Kamloops all the ...
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BC Placer
Welcome to BC Placer. This website is about placer mining in BC - finding and mining gold that has been deposited by moving water. It is not about "hard rock" mining in solid rock. Placer mining can be as simple as using a shovel and a gold pan in a creek. On a placer claim, hand-mining a deposit of any size usually involves a sluice box or ...
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Ximen Acquires Interest Wild Horse Creek Gold
Vancouver, B.C., July 06, 2021 – Ximen Mining Corp. (TSX.v: XIM) (FRA: 1XMA) (OTCQB: XXMMF) (the "Company" or "Ximen") is pleased to announce that it has acquired several mineral claims in the Wild Horse Creek area, located 15 kilometers northeast of Cranbrook in the Fort Steele Mining Division in southern British Columbia. Property …
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Recreational Hand Panning – BC Gold Adventures
Most of the hand panning rules are from Recreational Handpanning for Placer Minerals. Anyone may pan for gold using only a hand shovel and a gold pan in any watercourse in B.C. except in or on a claim/lease, park, protected area, reserve or heritage site, private property, or First Nations land. You can use the government's Mineral Titles ...
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BC Gold Claims and Mines For Sale | ClaimStakes
We specialize in Placer Gold and mineral claims in BC, Canada. Mining properties from gold panning opportunities up to permitted placer mines in Atlin, Cariboo, Kootenay, Okanagan, Cassiar, and the Fraser River. Bedrock mapping and research services are also available. Contact us to start your BC gold rush today.
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BC Placer
From the MTO Start Page click the yellow-orange Title Search button. You can search using one or more of... Claim Number ("Title Number") or Claim Name. Owner Name or Client Number (not FMC number) Map Number like 093H003 or 093H (with the leading zero) Forfeiture Date (the Good-To date) For just placer claims (not hard rock), set "Title Type ...
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Maps - Mineral Titles Publications. Mineral Titles Online (MTO) includes three interactive map viewers that show current mineral, placer and coal tenures for the entire province. Document is 40" x 40" in size. Document is 24" x 36" in size. Document is 24" x 48" in size. 8.5" x 11" map showing the UTM zones across the Province.
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Claims for Sale | West Coast Placer
West Coast Placer has claims for sale in the regions listed below, click on the link to see the claims available in that region. Yukon Territory Tulameen and Similkameen Claims Fraser River Claims Cariboo, Kootenays and Thompson . If you would like more information please send a message from the contact page.
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Placer Claims for Sale BC | ClaimStakes
1 2 3. An extensive collection of BC placer claims for sale. Placer gold claims ranging from prospective ground right through to proven machine permitted mine sites. We also have BC placer claims for platinum and other minerals for sale from the Fraser, Cariboo, Cassiar, Atlin, Kootenay-Wildhorse, Omineca, and more.
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Gold Rush Supplies Inc.
ABOUT GOLD RUSH SUPPLIES INC. We are a mining equipment & supplies store located in Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada, part of the Cariboo Mining District! From gold pans, to highbankers, to large scale trommels, we sell everything you need, no matter the size of your operation! Green River Gold Corp, Gold Rush Supplies Inc. & SNIPING …
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vancouver | West Coast Placer
The first deep sea mining project is currently being developed off the coast of Papua New Guinea. The project is called Solwara 1 and is being developed by a Vancouver BC mining company called Nautilus Minerals. Solwara 1 is a copper/gold SMS deposit with estimated copper grades of 7% and gold grades in excess of 20g/t and an average gold …
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gold mining equipment | West Coast Placer
The project is called Solwara 1 and is being developed by a Vancouver BC mining company called ... Improper technique with equipment. Most placer mining and prospecting equipment requires skill and knowledge to operate effectively. That is part of the appeal to prospecting, its a skill just like any other and takes time to develop. ...
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BC Placer
Mining is, or course, the attempt to recover enough gold to make money (or at least scratch the itch - placer mining is highly addictive). It involves excavation, and processing to separate concentrates from the excavated material and to separate gold from the concentrates. See the Mining Equipment page for more information.
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