In some countries, it is already today more than 90%. This makes the European cement industry the global frontrunner in the use of alternative fuels and materials. Clinker substitution and novel clinkers. The effort in …
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Utilization of some waste products as a
Portland cement clinker is a hydraulic material which consists of at least two-thirds by mass of calcium silicates (β-C 2 S, C 3 S), the remainder containing C3A and C 4 AF. The aim of the present work is to study the utilization of by-pass cement dust, phosphogypsum and granulated slag as mineralizers in the formation of portland cement clinker. Mixes with …
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Palm oil clinker waste collection | Download Scientific Diagram
The manufacturing process, characteristics, motivations, and challenges associated with using palm oil and other palm tree waste products as a substitute material in asphalt pavement and concrete ...
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The use of oil well-derived drilling waste and electric arc …
A major consideration in cement production is the high raw material and fuel inputs to producing clinker, and co-processing methods-e.g., using by-products from steel as raw materials [58], paper ...
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Clinkerization of carbonatable belite–melilite clinker using …
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135357 Corpus ID: 267724799; Clinkerization of carbonatable belite–melilite clinker using solid waste at low temperature @article{Wang2024ClinkerizationOC, title={Clinkerization of carbonatable belite–melilite clinker using solid waste at low temperature}, author={Siye Wang and Fengyang Gao …
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Cement kiln dust
Calcination is the main process of clinker production, calcining calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) at about 900 °C to form calcium oxide, CaO, lime, and the release of carbon dioxide gas (CO 2).In the next step of the so-called clinker treatment, calcium oxide (CaO) is exposed to temperatures of 1400 °C to 1500 °C together with silica (SiO 2), …
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Utilisation of cement-asbestos wastes by thermal treatment …
Then, to check for potential usability of cement-asbestos waste as a secondary raw material for the production of clinker ceramics, the waste was subjected to initial calcination in a laboratory furnace at a selected temperature for 2 h. The obtained product was also characterised by XRD, FT-IR, DTA/TG and SEM analysis.
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Clinker Mineralization using Refined By-products …
was benchmarked against the use of calcium fluoride and hence other fluoride carriers. Finally, the studies were complemented with results from industrial clinker mineralized with refined by-product from the aluminium industry. Keywords: Clinker Mineralization, Burnability, Fluoride Minerals, Spent Pot Lining
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An analysis of the use of life cycle assessment for waste co
The market of clinker has changed significantly, and a variety of cement products are being produced with reduced clinker content (i.e. clinker factor). An objective of 0.71 clinker factor is regarded as the industry goal. Also, new formulations of cementitious materials without clinker have been developed. • To use waste-derived fuels.
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Life cycle assessment of beneficial use of calcium carbide …
In all, the electrical energy consumption per ton of cement clinker of the waste heat drying process (4260 MJ/t) declined by about 1% compared with the coal-drying process (4300 MJ/t) in the cement clinker production phase, bringing about energy savings and CO 2, SO 2 and NO X emissions declined by 2.3%, 2%, 7% and 4%, respectively, …
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waste clinker use in other product
3.1.3 Clinker, cement and final product quality 11 3.2 Employee health and safety 12 4 Recommended techniques and practices for cement co-processing 13 4.1 Collection and transport of waste and by-products 13 4.2 Acceptance of alternative fuels and raw materials 14 4.3 Responsible use of biomass 15 4.4 Commonly restricted waste 15. Get …
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The use of oil well-derived drilling waste and electric arc …
The waste utilization as an energy source is favoured by the peculiar characteristics of the processes occurring in the cement kiln: the burnt product (clinker) has a strong absorption capacity towards other substances due to its suitable chemical properties and the high kiln temperatures, 1450–1500 °C (Kääntee et al., 2004, …
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Palm Oil Clinker as a Waste by-Product: Utilization and …
P alm oil clinker (POC) is a so lid waste by -product pro-. duced in one of the oil palm processin g phases. This chapter is design ed to highlig ht. the gene ration, disposal problems, properties ...
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Palm Oil Clinker as a Waste by-Product: Utilization and …
Palm oil clinker (POC) is a solid waste by-product produced in one of the oil palm processing phases. This chapter is designed to highlight the generation, …
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Research Progress of Calcinating Cement Clinker with Solid Waste …
2023. 21. Disposing solid wastes by using rotary kiln is a widely used and obviously effect way,there were more than thirty years since western countries began to study the feasibility of calcinating cement clinker by solid waste. In China,as problems among resources,environment and development became more and more prominent in recent …
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Thermodynamic modelling of cements clinkering process as …
The valorisation of waste or by-products in Portland clinker production is a promising alternative for developing sustainable cements.
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A Systematic Literature Review on Waste-to-Resource …
However, information concerning the wider use of palm oil clinker (POC) and its performance is still lacking. Therefore, as a solid waste byproduct produced in one of the oil palm processing stages, generating a huge quantity of waste mostly dumped into the landfill, the waste-to-resource potential of POC should be thoroughly discussed in a review.
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Recycling of municipal solid waste for cement
The characteristics of the cement clinker are compared with those of commercial cements. The setting time and compression strength (size of mortar sample — 40×40×160 mm; ratio-clinker:sand:water=100:200:65) cement clinker and commercial cement were measured.The results are shown in Table 4 and Fig. 2, respectively.The …
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powdered clinker not suitable for concrete
Powdered Clinker Not Suitable For Concrete " Process Crusher ... Waste Clinker Use In Other Product – … . powdered clinker not suitable for concrete. ... The air used to cool the clinker Waste Clinker Use In Other Product clinker formation. . burning in a kiln ... clinker vertical shaft kiln in china - …
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Clinker factor determines the CO2 footprint of cement
In OPC, clinker factor is ~90 per cent thus, it has a carbon footprint of around 800 – 850 kg/MT of cement. When clinker is replaced with SCMs, the CO2 emissions are reduced as SCMs don't have embodied carbon emissions. That is why blended cement have much lower carbon footprint than OPC. Currently in Portland Slag …
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An overview of alternative raw materials used in cement and …
Different cement plants have identified non-hazardous and hazardous waste products, and research has suggested their proper utilisation. Such waste is being used in clinker production and even in some cases as post-production material.
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Inhibition of Acid Mine Drainage from a Pyrite-rich Mining Waste …
In the present study, the potential use of the industrial waste residues, such as coal fly ash and clinker dust, was evaluated in inhibiting acid mine drainage generation from pyrite-rich wastes using non-saturated column experiments. Two columns (B and C) were filled with a mixture of industrial residues over pyrite-quartz sand (PS), while one …
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Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU)
GHG emissions from use of non-energy products (lubricants, waxes, greases, solvents) other than: - combustion for energy purposes; - use as feedstock or reducing agent; - incineration of waste oils/lubricants with/without energy recovery (Energy/Waste Sector). A small proportion of non-energy products oxidises during use Focus on direct CO
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Alternative materials could shrink concrete's giant carbon …
Fly ash isn't the only waste product making its way into cement and concrete. Cement makers also use blast-furnace slag, the calcium aluminosilicate by-product of smelting iron ore during ...
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Clinker Production
The clinker cooler exhaust is at a temperature near 200°C and is typically used for preheating the kiln or other parts of the clinker production process. The ORC and Kalina cycles have also been considered for use to recover the waste heat from the clinker cooler. The sCO 2 cycle could also be considered for both waste heat streams.
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Feasibility study on the use of high volume palm oil clinker waste …
Palm oil clinker (POC) of size below 5 mm was further ground in Los Angeles (LA) grinding machine to increase its surface area.The POC powder has crystalline phases dominated with quartz (within 2-theta angle of 0–10°) as shown by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) result (Fig. 1).The phase of POC is majorly crystalline with few traces …
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Clinker (Waste Product)
A Mixture of Compounds and Elements left over after incineration of waste, or use of Blast Furnaces and other similar processes. Typically contains carbon (Like Charcoal) intermixed with metals and minerals. Can be hard to seperate (Depending on Composition) Useful as Concrete Aggregate, or as a rock for roads, paths etc.
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Clinker Substitutes : GCCA
Clinker Substitutes. A range of materials – often industrial byproducts that would otherwise be waste – can be added to cement to reduce its carbon footprint and support the circular economy. Clinker substitutes – or supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) – are a wide range of both naturally-occurring and industrial byproduct ...
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Sustainable Clinker and Cement Production by Using …
The use of alternative fuels in both combustion and production processes is known as co-processing in cement manufacturing. Waste is now being used to substitute primary fuel …
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(PDF) The use of oil well-derived drilling waste and electric …
The waste utilization as an energy source is favoured by the peculiar characteristics of the processes occurring in the cement kiln: the burnt product (clinker) has a strong absorption capacity towards other substances due to its suitable chemical properties and the high kiln temperatures, 1450–1500 C (K¨aa¨ ntee et al., 2004; MacGregor ...
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