(PDF) Lithogeochemical halos and geochemical vectors to
A ferroan dolomite/ankerite halo overlaps with the Zn–Pb–Tl halo extending up to 250 m into the immediate stratigraphic hangingwall, and 50 to 100 m into the footwall sediments close to the deposit. ... R.R. Large, P.J. McGoldrick / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 63 (1998) 37–56 Fig. 9. Variation in Zn, Pb, Cu and FeO with ...
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Mechanism of germanium enrichment in the world-class Huize MVT Pb–Zn
The world-class Huize deposit hosts significant germanium (Ge) resources in the Sichuan–Yunan–Guizhou (SYG) Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb–Zn province of China. The distribution and enrichment mechanism of Ge is still poorly understood. In the main ore-forming stage of Huize, we identified six sphalerite colors from C1 (black) to C6 …
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How carbonate dissolution facilitates sediment-hosted Zn-Pb …
Sodium-chloride brines with different pH and concentrations of Zn, Pb, Ba, Ca, and Mg were reacted with native sulfur with and without carbonate (calcite or dolomite) crystals at 200 °C (for solution composition, see Table S1 in the Supplemental Material 1).We chose native sulfur (S) because it disproportionates to H 2 S and SO 4 2– in …
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Presence of base metals in the southern extension of …
The reflected light microscopy confirmed the presence of galena and sphalerite in these dolomites. The major oxides and trace element concentration of the base metals (Pb, …
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Waste dolomite powder as an adsorbent of Cd, Pb(II), and Zn …
Results showed that dolomite powder removed all ions from experimental solutions. For multi-element solution Pb was adsorbed almost in at the initial concentration equal to 2000 mg/dm3. For ...
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of phosphate treatment for …
Analytical detection limits for Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu were 0.3, 0.04, 0.01, and 0.04 mg L −1, respectively and analytical errors were estimated to be 3%. Water-soluble concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were determined in untreated and phosphate-treated soil samples following the methodology reported by Cao et al. (2009) . 5 g of soil was ...
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Dolomite as a potential adsorbent in water treatment: …
Dolomite was shown eective for removing metal ions such as Mn 2+ 2+, Zn, Fe, Cu 2+, Pb, Cd, Ni 2+ and Co 2+ ions while also adding Ca 2+ and Mg2+ ions from and into …
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Sorption of Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Co to nano-TiO
In this study, the role of nanoparticles in complex aqueous matrices such as the Baltic Sea was investigated in batch-mode experiments in which titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nano-TiO 2) were tested for their ability to remove heavy metals (Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Co) from multicomponent spiked and non-spiked Baltic Sea water.The experimental data were …
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Separation of sphalerite and dolomite using sodium
In the flotation of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn ore, the separation of dolomite is critical to obtain high-quality zinc concentrate. In this study, fine-grained dolomite was …
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Removal of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cr from Yangtze Estuary Using the
The highest BAF of each metal calculated was as follows: Cr (0.091 in winter) > Cu (0.054 in autumn) > Pb (0.016 in summer) > Zn (0.011 in summer). Highest root-rhizome TF values were recorded for four metals: 6.450 for Cu in autumn, 2.895 for Zn in summer, 7.031 for Pb in autumn, and 2.012 for Cr in autumn.
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Geochemical vectors for stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag sulfide and …
The Modified Sedex Metal Index (MSMI; Zn + 3Pb + 100Ag) is a vector towards stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag mineralization, whereas MSMI2 [Zn + 3Pb + 10 (Cu + Co)] …
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Generalised mathematical model to estimate Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cu…
The sulphur ions present in the medium because of the dissolution of Fe and Mn monosulphides favour the precipitation of dissolved Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu ions as a consequence of displacement reactions (Eq. (8)). (8) M 2 + (aq) + FeS (s) ⇄ MS (s) + Fe 2 + (aq) where M=Ni, Zn, Pb, Cd or Cu. The effect of these displacement reactions is …
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In-situ S and Pb isotope constraints on an evolving
The Tianbaoshan Pb-Zn-(Cu) deposit contains ~22Mt Pb-Zn ores @ 1.43 wt% Pb and 10.4 wt% Zn, and ~0.1Mt Cu ores @ 2.55 wt% Cu. Copper sulfide ores are composed dominantly of chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite, whereas Pb-Zn sulfide ores consist mainly of sphalerite and galena with minor chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite.
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Bioavailability of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni and Cr in the sediments …
The Triassic rocks are composed of gypsum, dolomite, marls and breccias whereas the Post-Triassic outcrops are formed of limestone and marl. ... Sediments were sieved using a 63-μm nylon mesh to collect the finer fraction and oven-dried at 50 °C. ... Pb, Zn, Ni, Cu and Cr are essentially bound to residual fraction of the sediment (up to …
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Insights into ore genesis of the Beishan Pb–Zn deposit in …
The reef-top dolomite is composed of dark gray to gray-black coarse crystalline dolomite and stromatoporoid dolomite and is the main host rock of Pb–Zn ore bodies (Shi et al., 1988). ... Fresh ore samples were crushed into 40–60 mesh, cleaned, and dried. ... A case study from the Tongshanling W-Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn ore field, Nanling …
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(PDF) Lithogeochemical halos and geochemical vectors to …
The giant stratiform Zn–Pb–Ag HYC deposit displays a broad Zn, Pb and Tl halo which extends laterally along the favourable pyritic black shale facies of the Barney Creek Formation for at least 15 km west of the deposit. A ferroan dolomite/ankerite ... it exhibits a similar inter-ore dolomitic siltstone and breccia contain be- distribution ...
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(PDF) Lithogeochemical halos and geochemical vectors to …
Siderite within the inner halo contains considerably more Mn with MnO values of 0.4 to 4.0 wt%. It is suggested here that the basket of indices defined at Lady Loretta (Zn, Tl, …
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Genesis of the Huangshaping W–Mo–Cu–Pb–Zn
The Huangshaping polymetallic deposit is located in southeastern Hunan Province, China. It is a world-class W–Mo–Pb–Zn–Cu skarn deposit in the Nanling Range Metallogenic Belt, with estimated reserves of 74.31 Mt of W–Mo ore at 0.28% WO 3 and 0.07% Mo, 22.43 Mt of Pb–Zn ore at 3.6% Pb and 8.00% Zn, and 20.35 Mt of Cu ore at …
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Pollution characteristics, sources, and health risk assessment
In this study, the concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in street dust at 3877sites throughout China were obtained from the published scientific literature. Based on these data, the contamination levels, spatial distributions, sources and potential health risks of heavy metals in street dust were comprehensively estimated.
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Leaching potential of heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu and Zn) …
There is an increasing concern on heavy metal leaching from the soils amended with sewage sludge. A column study was conducted to examine the extent of leaching of five important heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu and Zn) from an acidic sandy soil amended with different dolomite phosphate rock (DPR) fertilizers (an application rate of …
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Geochemical vectors for stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag sulfide and …
The Zinkgruvan Zn-Pb-Ag deposit is hosted by c. 1.9 Ga Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks belonging to the southern part of the Bergslagen lithotectonic unit (BLU) of the Fennoscandian shield (Stephens and Andersson, 2015; Fig. 1).The deposit is one of the largest and historically most economically significant stratiform Zn-Pb-Ag deposits in …
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CuZn39Pb2 C37700 Industrial Rolled
Page 1 CuZn39Pb2 C37700 Industrial Rolled Alloy Designation EN CuZn39Pb2 CW612N DIN CEN/TS 2.0380 JIS C3771 BS CZ120 UNS C37700 Chemical Composition Weight percentage Cu 59 .. 60 % Zn Rest % Pb 1.6..2.5 % Ni …
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Origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the
The Marshoun epithermal Pb–Zn–Cu (Ag) deposit is located at 356,478 E, 4021102 N in the southeastern part of the THMB, approximately 50 km northwest of Qazvin (Fig. 1). Mining at Marshoun started around 1970 but after one decade of operation, the property owner stopped mining in the beginning of 1980 s. Recent exploration work at …
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Leaching Potential of Heavy Metals (Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu And Zn) …
A column study was conducted to examine the extent of leaching of five important heavy metals (Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu and Zn) from an acidic sandy soil amended with different dolomite phosphate rock (DPR ...
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Genesis of the Baiyangping Cu–Co and Pb–Zn …
The Oligocene to Miocene Baiyangping Cu–Co and Pb–Zn mineralization was deposited during the collision of the India and Asia continents. The mineralization is hosted in veins in faulted carbonate and clastic rocks, which act as fluid pathways. A detailed fluid-inclusion analysis and C–O–S isotopic study are reported, focusing on the …
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pH Dependent Leaching Behavior of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and As …
The release of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb) increases with decreasing pH due to the dissolution of minerals and the desorption of these elements from reactive surfaces (for example (Fe-oxides). At pH 10, an increased solubility of Cu, and in some samples also of Zn, Pb and Ni is observed, most likely because the amphoteric …
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Diagenetic History and Timing of Cu and Zn-Pb Sulfide …
The highest-grade Cu and Zn-Pb sulfides (bornite, sphalerite, and galena) replace the calcite cement, with subordinate replacement of dolomite and detrital clasts. Quantitative mineralogical and geochemical data demonstrate that the highest base metal (Cu, Zn, and Pb) concentrations are associated with carbonate-rich samples, mostly as ...
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Textural and geochemical analysis of chalcopyrite, galena …
An epigenetic and coeval Cu-Pb-Zn model is favoured where a slight temperature gradient (<50 °C) resulted in the deposit scale zonation of Cu → Pb → Zn …
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The Origin of Carbonate Components in Carbonate Hosted …
It shows that the source of the Mg element in metallogenic fluid of Lekai Pb-Zn deposit may be sedimentary carbonate rock rather than mantle, chondrites, or …
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Experimental study on fluid migration mechanism related to Pb–Zn …
In non-magmatic hydrothermal mineralisation, Pb and Zn are frequently enriched to form super-large non-magmatic, epigenetic, hydrothermal Pb–Zn deposits within carbonates (Ye et al., 2014), such as the Huize (Han et al., 2007a, Han et al., 2001, Han et al., 2004), Maoping (Han et al., 2007b) and other deposits in Pb–Zn-Cu-Au-Ag …
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