[PDF] Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting …
DOI: 10.33271/mining13.03.022 Corpus ID: 204270489; Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting operations parameters for emulsion explosives @article{Kononenko2019MethodFC, title={Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting operations parameters for emulsion explosives}, author={M Kononenko and O. …
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(PDF) Risk assessment of blasting operations in open pit …
ABSTRACT. Purpose. In the mining blasting operation, fragmentation is the most important output. Fly rock, ground vibration, air. blast, and environmental effects are detrimental effects of bla ...
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Introduction: Overview of the global iron ore industry
The iron ore mines in Australia are all open cut with the ore extracted through conventional drilling and blast mining methods. However, because some of the deposits are soft and free digging, surface miners are used at a number of mines, particularly in FMG's operations. ... The company has the two largest iron ore mining and processing ...
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Emerging trends in drilling and blasting technology
The method of induced blasting, may it be from surface or underground, has become a proven approach during depillaring operations in blasting gallery, longwall mining and …
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blasting. New GPS-enabled applications have improved strata recognition capabilities that help drill and blast engineers develop more appropriate and more suitable blast designs. Engineers can create designs in the offi ce and upload them to the drill rigs by remote means; drillers can see the patterns from their drill rigs as sent by drill
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(PDF) An Introduction to Blasting
An introduction to blasting. This video presentation concentrates on drill and blast terminology as well as the basics. behind how blasting causes size reduction (fragmentation). The history of ...
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(PDF) Mining Methods: Part I-Surface mining
Aqueous methods divided into Placer (Panning, Sluicing, Hydraulic Mining, and Dredging) and solution methods (In-situ leaching (ISL) and Heap Leaching). Among them, solution mining and placer ...
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Design methodology for underground ring blasting
Abstract. This paper discusses a systematic approach to underground ring design as well as a methodology for the continuous improvement of designs as conditions change. The methodology is applicable to designs for prefeasibility and feasibility stages as well as designs for currently producing mines. The proposed method still recognises the ...
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Drilling-and-Blasting Mesh Design for Underground Mining …
Abstract. To optimize the drilling and blasting process in underground mining using the Holmberg method to create the drilling-and-blasting mesh design. The method it is an experimental applied-type and correlational-level inductive method. The Holmberg method showed good efficiency of 95% because it works with the rock mass …
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methods of iron mining drillingblasting in pdf
Mechanized limestone mining for cement production how many method to drill the iron ore Methods Of Iron Mining Drillingblasting In Pdf articles on methods of iron mining drilling blasting in pdf underground mining methods Iron ore drilling machine and blasting machine will be applied to Read More, This work is set out to determine the …
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Mining is the extraction of economically v aluable minerals or other geological materials from the e arth. surface. It may be from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposits. Since the ...
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(PDF) Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting …
The method for calculating drilling-and-blasting parameters can be used only during underground mining using emulsion explosives, while determination of stoping operations parameters requires modeling of compression and fracturing zones, studying the changes of emulsion explosives density and mass as well as detonation velocity along the charge ...
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(PDF) Selecting the optimal drilling and blasting design for
Drilling and blasting are considered to be the first unit operations in mining. Proper rock fragmentation is the key first element of the ore winning process, as it affects the economics of ...
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Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends and …
Nevertheless, there are several cases of mining operations where a high level of digitization and automation of its processes has been achieved. LKAB's iron ore mines, Kiruna and Malmberget, located in northern Sweden, are operated under a combination of remote-controlled and fully automated equipment for drilling, blasting, …
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(PDF) Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – a review
Abstract and Figures. Rock Fragmentation by Blasting – a review The rock fragmentation process in mining currently being practiced in India needs re-examination to improve the productivity of ...
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(PDF) The application of "line drilling" and "buffer holes" methods …
Line Drilling Blasting Data. This blasting was carried out using a burden x spacing = 7 m x 8 m, with each hole charged the same as the normal blast location charged, which is 76 kg ANFO with an ...
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Engineering Geology Field Manual
In any blast design, the burden and the blast hole depth (or bench height) must be reasonably compatible. The rule of thumb for bench blasting is that the hole depth-to-burden ratio should be between 1.5 and 4.0. Hole depths. Figure 19-13.—Staggered blast pattern with alternate delays (blast hole spacing, S, is.
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Design methodology for underground ring blasting
Abstract. This paper discusses a systematic approach to underground ring design as well as a methodology for the continuous improvement of designs as conditions change. The …
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This topic mainly works on the study and evaluation of optimum blast and blasting parameters. In mining industry OPENCAST mining, the DRILLING AND BLASTING is …
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(PDF) Evaluation and optimization of blasting approaches to …
In certain researches, which mostly considered the theoretical aspects of blasting, some numerical methods such as the finite element method have been used to optimize blasting process and reduce ...
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(PDF) Optimization of blasting parameters for …
Drilling and blasting remains the primary method of rock fragmentation in metal mining. However, blasting vibration can adversely affect the stability of the rock. Therefore, prediction of ...
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Advanced Analytics for Drilling and Blasting | SpringerLink
Drilling and blasting as a key activity in the mining cycle have a key role in operational risk management. Many empirical methods have been developed to determine blast design parameters or the prediction of blast outcomes. However, these methods cannot cover all associated parameters and factors in design or prediction.
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[PDF] Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting …
Method for calculation of drilling-and-blasting operations parameters for emulsion explosives. M. Kononenko, O. Khomenko, +2 authors. Ltd Ist-Fort. Published in Mining …
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DRILLING AND BLASTING. J. D. Jacobs, Jacobs Associates. Published 1977. Engineering, Environmental Science, Geology. Transportation Research Board Special …
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(PDF) Design of controlled blasting (pre …
Pre-splitting is a controlled blasting technique with applications in open pit mines. The main. objectives of pre-splitting in open pit mining are: preventing/controlling back-break; controlling ...
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(PDF) Impact of rock blasting on mining …
Many other studies have shown that improvement on blasting can enhance rock fragmentation in mining production (Vanbrabant & Escobar 2006; Zhang 2008 Zhang, 2016Ylitalo 2020) …
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Blasting Technology for Underground Hard Rock Mining …
The importance of drilling and blasting has been briefed in this chapter with the help of statistical data. The progressive advance-ments in underground blasting have also …
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(PDF) Drilling and blasting as a tunnel excavation method
The most common method of partial-. face blasting is the heading-and-bench method, wher e the top part of the tunnel is blasted first, at full width, followed by blasting of the rema ining bench ...
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Robots in Mining: Drilling and Blasting
The future of mining lies in increased automation. Robots are playing an increasing role in the industry, replacing workers in dangerous and increasingly deeper and remote environments. This article has provided a brief exploration of automated drilling and blasting systems in the mining industry. Automating these operations will bring …
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When the drilling and blasting method is used, the ground is shattered by the detonation of explosives within holes drilled into the solid rock. These holes are usually 25.4 to 50.8 mm (1 to 2 in) in diameter, spaced several centimeters to a meter apart in a preplanned pattern, and drilled to a depth that is dependent on the length of round to ...
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