Computational Cut-Off Grade Modeling: A Review
Also, the evaluation of ore mining grades for some types of methods is most popular, likes critical level, net smelter revenue (NSR), single grade cut-off approach, dollar value cut-off approach [13-16]. The ore production is a valuable strength for estimating cost and commodity revenue that is checked by the economic block value and …
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The Economic Definition of Ore: Cut-off Grades in Theory …
The Optimization and Application of Cut-off Grades of Multiple Metal Open-pit Mines Based on Equivalent Grade. The cut-off grade is one of the important parameters of mining production. Different material cut-off grade is directed to different destinations. Based on reasonable and optimal cut-off grade, long….
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Cut Off Grades Explained
A cut-off grade is the grade of mineralisation that a deposit can be economically mined and dictates which drilling intercepts can and can't be used in a JORC resource. ... If the cost to extract 1 gram of gold …
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Solved Calculate the marginal cut-off grade in % for an iron …
Question: Calculate the marginal cut-off grade in % for an iron ore deposit when the market price is $75/tonne if recovery will be 65% and realisation costs are 4% of the market price. The variable mining costs are $12/tonne, and …
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Cutoff grade
Cutoff grade. Cutoff grade is the minimum grade required in order for a mineral or metal to be economically mined (or processed). Material found to be above this grade is considered to be ore, while material below this grade is considered to be waste. [1] The cutoff grade can be determined through a variety of methods, each of varying complexity.
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Solved Calculate the cutoff grade in an iron ore deposit, if
Mechanical Engineering questions and answers. Calculate the cutoff grade in an iron ore deposit, if the cost of mining and processing is $6.00/ton, the selling price of iron ore is $10.30/ton, and the overall recovery is 96%.
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Cut-Off Grades For Mineral Resource Reporting: Going The …
A cut-off grade (COG) is an industry-accepted standard expression used to determine what part of a mineral deposit to include in a mineral resource estimate (MRE). For MRE reporting, COGs tend to be rounded down to ensure that material of no economic significance is excluded from the resource. To calculate a COG, we can gauge the likely ...
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3.2.8: The Concept of a Cutoff Grade | GEOG 000
3.2.8: The Concept of a Cutoff Grade. We know that orebody characteristics such as the grade vary spatially within the orebody, and as we approach the boundaries of the deposit, the grade will begin to decrease to zero. Eventually, the cost to mine and process a ton …
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Predicting the Concentration Characteristics of Itakpe Iron Ore for cut
Concentration characteristics of an ore are very critical to the estimation of cut-off grade of a deposit. A mathematical model that can lead to their quick prediction will significantly enhance ore reserve estimation, mine planning and the economy of the mining venture as a whole. In this paper attempts have been made to establish a functional …
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(PDF) Comparison of cut-off grade models in mine
The following steps are used in calculating cash flows generated using a b reak-even cut-off grade model. (Hall, 2014). 1. Determine the break-even cut-off grade using Equation [1] as follows: 2 ...
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A review of cut-off grade policy models for open pit mining operations
Cut-off grade is the most important economic criterion that defines the supply of ore and waste material from the mine to subsequent processing streams and waste dumps, respectively (King, 1999, King, 2001, Wooler, 2001).The material with metal content greater than the cut-off grade is designated as ore because under existing economic …
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Methods for Calculation of Optimal Cutoff Grades in …
The cutoff grade of valuable components delimits the complex ore reserves suitable for efficient mining. The cutoff grade optimization is conducted to maximize the net present …
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Using equivalent grade factors to find the optimum cut-off grades …
Most researchers have used break-even cut-off grade criteria to define ore as a material that just will pay mining and processing costs. ... Lane, 1988 has developed a comprehensive theory of cut-off grade calculation for a single metal deposit. Whittle and Wharton added the idea of using opportunity cost. They introduced two pseudo costs ...
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Computational Cut-Off Grade Modeling: A Review
Also, the evaluation of ore mining grades for some types of methods is most popular, likes critical level, net smelter revenue (NSR), single grade cut-off approach, …
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Cut-off grade determination for the maximum value of …
mine with an average grade of 6 g/t Au and a logrithmic variance of 1.2 are applied to the model to illustrate the benefits of representing cut-off grades in terms of present value curves for different segments of a mining operation. Keywords: cut-off grade, Net Present Value, grade-tonnage curve, balancing cut-off grade, mining, processing ...
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(PDF) A review of cut-off grade policy models for open pit …researchgate(PDF) Open-Pit Mine Production Optimization: A Review …researchgateRecommended to you based on what's popular • FeedbackCutoff grade optimization based on maximizing net
sciencedirectWhat is cutoff grade?Cutoff grade is defined as the grade that is normally used to discriminate between ore and waste within a given orebody. Although the definition of cutoff grade is very precise, the choice of a cutoff grade policy to be used during an exploitation of a deposit is not.Cut Off Grade Calculation Optimization
911metallurgistWhat is the optimum cutoff grade for Gol Gohar iron mine?Then, using the computer model, the cutoff grade optimization amount of Gol Gohar iron mine No. 1 was estimated. Its economic results show that its optimum cutoff grade at the beginning of this five-year plan is 48.65% and in the final years reaches 40.5%.Cutoff grade optimization based on maximizing net
sciencedirectShould cutoff grades be used during exploitation of a deposit?Although the definition of cutoff grade is very precise, the choice of a cutoff grade policy to be used during an exploitation of a deposit is not. Use of simply calculated breakeven cutoff grades during the production will in most instances lead to sub-optimum exploitation of the resource.Cut Off Grade Calculation Optimization
911metallurgistFeedbackAn Introduction to Cut-off Grade Estimation, Second …
WEBon the subject of cut-off grade estimation: The Economic Definition of Ore: Cut-Off Grades in Theory and Practice by Ken Lane, published in 1988. Lane's book was and will remain …
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Using equivalent grade factors to find the optimum cut-off …
Lane (1984) overruled the perception that the cut-off grade calculation procedure for ore bodies with single economic mineral remains valid for defining cut-off grades for mining operations ...
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Determination of optimal cut-off grade
The cut-off grade is used to distinguish ore from waste materials. If the cut-off grade is too high, much of the mined material will go to the waste dump area. If the cut-off is too low, ... has developed a comprehensive theory of cut-off grade calculation. Table I shows the notation used in the algorithm.
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Re-examination of Itakpe iron ore deposit for reserve
Three orthogonal directions were considered for the calculation of the experimental variograms as suggested by ... Lane KF (1988) The Economic definition of ore: cut-off grades in theory and practice. Mining Journal Books, London ... William WG (2010) Application of neural networks for instant iron-ore grade estimation. Expert Syst …
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AMC Consultants can help fix your mine's broken break-even grade
At a fixed 94% recovery, the break-even grade works out to be 0.4 g/t with a tails grade of 0.02 g/t. The problem is that a head grade of 2.2 g/t we have a tails grade of 0.13 g/t. Instead of a fixed recovery, if a fixed tails grade is used, at the same price and cost conditions, the BEG works out to be more than 0.5 g/t.
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Optimum cut-off grade's calculation in open pit …
Cut-off grade – a criterion used to discriminate ore from waste – has direct impact on mineable reserves and average grade of the materials that must be …
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Methods for Calculation of Optimal Cutoff Grades in Complex Ore
The cutoff grade of valuable components delimits the complex ore reserves suitable for efficient mining. The cutoff grade optimization is conducted to maximize the net present value of products in mining projects. The investigations were realized by using the equivalent grade method, iterated grid search method, genetic algorithm, and golden …
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(PDF) Influence of Sub-Grade Ores on the Cut-Off Grade and Ore …
Itakpe iron ore deposit is a multi-grade ore deposit with ore grades varying from 14.8%Fe to 41%Fe in the 25 ore layers. At the point of design of the mine, several low grade ores were deposited ...
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Comparison of Various Estimation and Simulation Methods …
The study area is located in the east of Yazd province in Iran. The Lake Siah iron-apatite ore body is located between Kusk and Esfordi deposits and 40 km northeastern Bafq (31°46′47″ N and 55°42′56″ E), covering an estimated area of about 5 km 2.Ore deposits of the Bafq-Saghand metallogenic province with Proterozoic age belong to the …
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Specifications Guide Global Iron Ore | S&P Global …
The global Iron Ore specifications guide contains the primary specifications and methodologies for Platts Iron Ore global catalogue of price assessments. The various sections of this guide are designed to give S&P Global Commodity Insights subscribers as much detail as possible about a wide range of methodology and specification issues. For ...
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CuEq Metal Equivalent Calculator for Mining Results
For each metal select the grade and the market price to be used in the calculations. You may also select a metallurgical recovery % and smelter return rate if known. When using the calculator be sure to select the appropriate pricing units (oz. or lbs.) and the assay units (% or grams per tonne). You can calculate Eq for up to 5 …
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Predicting the Concentration Characteristics of …
Itakpe iron ore deposit is a magnetite-hematite mineralization consisting of 14 ore layers of economic value ranging in grade predominantly from 14.8%Fe to 41%Fe with an overall …
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Mineral Deposit Value
Before calculating the potential mineral deposit value, gather specific data about the ore body and individual drill results. ... on which I explained How to Calculate the Cut Off Grade. 4. Convert the Pounds and Ounces to the Corresponding Metal Value. Calculations: Result: 1,102,311,310 x $3.90* per pound of copper = $4,299,014,1094:
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Mineral Reserves and Resources
Mineral Resources for the Santo Domingo Sur, Iris, Iris Norte and Estrellita deposits are reported using a cut-off grade of 0.125% copper equivalent (CuEq). CuEq grades are calculated using average long-term prices of US$3.50/lb Cu, US$1,300/oz Au and US$99/(dmt) Fe conc.
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Mining Valuation Lesson: Cut-Off Grade Theory and Practice
Yet, it is an extremely important factor in mining valuations. Cut-off Grade Theory and Practice. Consider a block of ore that weighs 1 tonne and contains 3 grams of gold. At a gold price of US$1000 per ounce the value of the gold in the block of ore is just under $96 ($1000/31 X 3 or $1000 per ounce/ 31 grams (troy ounce) X 3 grams of gold ...
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