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Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and ash
The full utilization of coal is limited by the presence of high levels of sulfur and ash in it. Therefore, removal of mineral matter and sulfur from coal prior to its utilization is necessary [2]. Many researchers have tried to find an economically practical process for removing sulfur from coal, but no such process has been developed yet [3].
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Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal
Patent: Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal. Full Record
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Removal of Sulfur and Ash from Coal Using Molten Caustic …
Molten caustic leaching process is effective in reducing significant amount of ash derived from minerals, pyritic sulfur, and organic sulfur from coal. The effect of …
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Biological Removal of Sulfur Using Coal Derived Inocula
The findings also demonstrated the convenience of using inocula derived from coal, where 50 - 60 per cent of pyritic sulfur was removed, while chemical desulfurisation is of little significance with the majority of coal types. The ash content was also reduced to 1.74 per cent as the low pH of the process caused dissolution of a number of common ...
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Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal
US4261699A US06/032,585 US3258579A US4261699A US 4261699 A US4261699 A US 4261699A US 3258579 A US3258579 A US 3258579A US 4261699 A US4261699 A US 4261699A Authority US United St
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Coal Preparation | SpringerLink
After thermal upgrading, the coal is put through a deep bed stratifier cleaning process to separate the pyrite rich ash from the coal. When fed a typical low rank western coal, the SynCoal process can provide a product with a heating value of up to 12,000 BTU/lb with moisture and ash contents as low as 1% and 0.3%, respectively . A ...
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SH Radical: The Key Intermediate in Sulfur Transformation …
To uncouple the complex behavior of sulfur transformation during thermal processing of coal and to elucidate the main mechanism, typical organic and inorganic sulfur compounds impregnated on or mixed with a low-ash char are studied through temperature-programmed decomposi tion coupled with online mass spectrum analysis …
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Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal
A process for reducing the sulfur and ash content of coal wherein coal particles are treated in a aqueous slurry with a minor amount of hydrocarbon oil to form coal-oil aggregates of enlarged effective particle size and the coal-oil aggregates are then separated from ash and mineral matter in the slurry. Optionally, the coal particles are …
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Removal of Sulfur and Ash from Coal Using Molten Caustic …
The removal of total sulfur and ash increases with increasing leaching temperature and time. As a result of MCL, ash content of Hazro coal was reduced from 18.31 to 6.77 %, and 70% of combustible was recovered. ... Effects of alkali treatment on ash and sulfur removal from Assam coal. Fuel Processing Technology 85, 93 ...
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Desulfurization of Coal
3. Coal Cleaning for Sulfur Removal The coal cleaning process has traditionally focused on reducing ash-reforming minerals and not necessarily aimed at removing sulfur in …
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Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and …
In a previous study, sulfur and ash removal from typical high-sulfur Northeast Indian coals [17,18] and Brazilian power coals by using low-power (20 kHz) …
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Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and …
Feasibility of using ultrasound-assisted process for sulfur and ash removal from coal. B. Ambedkar., T.N. Chintala., R. Nagarajan., S. Jayanti. Add to Mendeley. …
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The clean coal ash and sulfur content are reduced to 13.24% and 2.51%, while the combustible recovery and desulfurization efficiency are up to 71.46% and 49.27%, respectively, under the optimal ...
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Sulfur Removal from Coal with The Basic Extraction Liquid of …
Sulfur Removal from Coal with The Basic Extraction Liquid of Oak Ash. December 2021. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11 (4):2613-2620. …
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Removal of Sulfur and Ash from Coal Using Molten Caustic Leaching, a
The best removal of ash was observed by using 1 M bortrifluorid (BF3) solution at 250°C and 70 atm. Depending on the leaching conditions and coal used, reductions ranged from 5% to 36% in sulfur ...
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Ultrasonic coal-wash for de-sulfurization
Research highlights Coal will continue to be a major fuel source for the foreseeable future, but its use is limited by ash and sulfur impurities. Cost-effective, high-throughput removal of ash and sulfur remain critical challenges in coal processing. This study explores aqueous and solvent-based ultrasonic techniques for deashing and …
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Exploration of the Combined Action Mechanism of …
The combined effect of desulfurization and ash removal in the process of coal desulfurization by microwave with peroxyacetic acid was determined by evaluating …
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Removal of sulfur and ash from coal using molten …
demineralization and desulfurization increased with the increase in alkali/coal ratio. The removal of total sulfur and ash increases with increasing leaching temperature and time. As a result of MCL, ash content of Hazro coal was reduced from 18.31 to 6.77 %, and 70% of combustible was recovered. Total
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Beneficiation of coal using supercritical water and carbon dioxide
The coal beneficiation is demonstrated in 200–400 °C range at 143 bar using a semi-continuous process without needing any mineral acid or organic solvents by studying the sulfur removal. Carbon dioxide extraction at 350 °C is effective similar to the typical hydrothermal extraction which was most effective at 290 °C.
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How to Remove Sulphur from Coal
The combination gravity and flotation methods demonstrate the technical feasibility of processing fine size coal to effectively remove sulfur and ash to recover …
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Desulfurization of high sulfur fine coal using a novel …
The removal of sulfur from coal has ... ABSTRACT This study focused on the separation performance of a typical high-ash coal with high-mud content in the enhanced gravity field from the viewpoint of desliming. ... the underground coal-mining industry has increased the volume of fine size coal and waste (refuse) in the mined …
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(PDF) An Overview of the Development of Chemical …
During the desulfurization of high-sulfur Indian coal, the influence of potassium hydroxide. (KOH) and reaction time on coal characteristics was studied. A KOH concentration of 5-20% and. 6-24 ...
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Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal
A process for reducing the sulfur and ash content of coal particles wherein coal particles are treated in an aqueous slurry with a minor amount of hydrocarbon oil to form coal-oil aggregates having mo ... Process for removal of sulfur and ash from coal . United States Patent 4272250 . Abstract: ...
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11.10 Coal Cleaning
Coal cleaning is a process by which impurities such as sulfur, ash, and rock are removed from coal to upgrade its value. Coal cleaning processes are categorized as either …
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Removal of sulfur dioxide using absorbent synthesized from coal fly ash
Removal of SO 2 from flue gas by the absorbent synthesized from coal fly ash and calcium oxide was studied under different reaction conditions to elucidate the effect of the coexistence of NO and O 2 in the flue gas. The presence of O 2 and NO in the flue gas was found to be necessary to produce sulfate (SO 4 2-) salts instead of sulfite (SO 3 …
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Selective sulfur removal from semi-dry flue gas desulfurization coal
Sulfite removal from high-sulfur coal fly ash is rapid and selective in acidic pH. ... As such, we propose a combined process of sulfur removal and carbon dioxide capture illustrated in Fig. 4. This process is a two-stage absorption-washing process, where the first stage involves the absorption of carbon dioxide from flue gas into FGD …
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The approach of biodesulfurization for clean coal
In this study, the capacity of the process was increased to treat 8000 t/day of pulverized coal and reduced total sulfur content from 4 to 2%, while pyritic sulfur removal was nearly 90%. The main disadvantages of lagoon-type reactors are the vast area required and heat losses from the reactor, particularly during organic sulfur …
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Sono-Processing of Coal for Removal of Ash and Other …
Hence, removal of these impurities—ash, sulfur, alkalis—prior to coal burning would be highly beneficial to power plant operations. In this paper, ultrasonic and megasonic …
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Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gas by the Absorbent …
Removal of SO2 from flue gas by the absorbent prepared from coal fly ash, calcium oxide, and calcium sulfate was studied under different reaction conditions to elucidate the effects of the reaction temperature, water vapor pressure, and coexistence of NO in a flue gas. The SO2 removal activity increased with an increase in NO …
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