Strengths and weaknesses. Working properties. Acrylic - used in car headlights and as a glass alternative. Durable, water-resistant and available in many colours - but is easily scratched and not ...
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Light microscopes
GCSE; Edexcel; Cell structure - Edexcel Light microscopes. Light and electron microscopes allow us to see inside cells. Plant, animal and bacterial cells have smaller components each with a ...
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Energy resources
GCSE; AQA Synergy; Energy resources - AQA Synergy Comparing renewable sources of energy. Every person, animal and device transfers energy. Much of that energy is supplied by electricity, which ...
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Network topologies, protocols and layers
GCSE; AQA; Network topologies, protocols and layers - AQA Network topologies. Networks can be arranged in different topologies. Encryption is used to ensure that messages can be sent securely over ...
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How does biomass energy work?
BBC Bitesize Scotland article for upper primary 2nd Level Curriculum for Excellence. Learn how biomass can be used as a renewable energy source and find out about its advantages and disadvantages.
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Fuel cells
GCSE; AQA; Chemical cells - AQA Fuel cells. A chemical cell produces a voltage until one of the reactants is used up. In a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen are used to produce a ...
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Business and globalisation
Learn about and revise business globalisation with BBC Bitesize GCSE Business – Edexcel. ... Disadvantages: More money for the government: Imported goods and services become more expensive:
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Storage devices
GCSE; Hardware and network technologies - CCEA Storage devices. Hardware is the physical components of a computer system. When we connect computers together to share data, software and hardware we ...
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Reproduction, the genome and gene expression
GCSE; Edexcel; Reproduction, the genome and gene expression - Edexcel Evaluating sexual and asexual reproduction. The differences between sexual and asexual reproduction, the structure of DNA and ...
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Production of monoclonal antibodies
GCSE; AQA; Monoclonal antibodies - Higher - AQA Production of monoclonal antibodies - Higher Tier. Monoclonal antibodies are identical copies of one type of antibody. Part of Biology (Single ...
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Usually a battery is made up of cells. The cell is what converts the chemical energy into electrical energy. A simple cell contains two different metals (electrodes) separated by a liquid or paste ...
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Partnership. A partnership is a type of business that has a minimum of two owners. They decide to set up and run a business between them. Partnerships are often found in businesses that provide a ...
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Hard engineering strategies
Hard engineering strategies - advantages and disadvantages Erosion is a natural process which shapes cliffs. Over time, erosion can cause cliff collapse - therefore the coastline needs to be managed.
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Reproduction, fertility and contraception (CCEA) Contraception
GCSE; CCEA; Reproduction, fertility and contraception (CCEA) Contraception Most animals carry out sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction involves the joining of two cells (gametes) – the ...
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Sources of finance
GCSE; Eduqas; Sources of finance - Eduqas Advantages and disadvantages of sources of finance. Businesses need to consider how they will fund their activities when starting up as well as their day ...
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The impact of globalisation on businesses
Learn about and revise business globalisation with BBC Bitesize GCSE Business – Eduqas. ... Advantages and disadvantages of international trade to UK businesses; Operating in a global market place;
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BBC Bitesize Revision | Pearson UK
BBC Bitesize revision resources give you the information you need for your GCSE exams. Timed, bite-sized chunks of revision mean you can stay focused and organised. Links …
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GCSE Spanish
Easy-to-understand homework and revision materials for your GCSE Spanish AQA (for exams until 2025) '9-1' studies and exams ... advantages and disadvantages, and the impact of social media. Free ...
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Learn about and revise irradiation, contamination and the uses and dangers or radiation with GCSE Bitesize Combined Science.
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Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
GCSE; AQA Trilogy; Respiration - AQA Aerobic and anaerobic respiration. All organisms respire in order to release energy to fuel their living processes. The respiration can be aerobic, which uses ...
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GCSE Business
GCSE Business. GCSE Business Studies is designed for students finishing secondary school to learn skills for running a business, such as managing money, advertising and employing staff. Part of ...
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Pricing strategies
Pricing strategies. The price of a product is how much a customer is asked to pay for it. When setting a price, a business needs to consider: The cost of making the product - Price represents the ...
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Working with suppliers
Learn about and revise how businesses manage stock with BBC Bitesize GCSE Business – Edexcel. ... JIT stock control can have disadvantages. For example, there may be times when a business runs ...
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Flowcharts. A. flowchart. is a diagram that shows an overview of a. program. Flowcharts normally use standard symbols to represent the different types of. instructions. These symbols are used to ...
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Technology and business
Learn about and revise technology and business with BBC Bitesize GCSE Business – Edexcel. ... Disadvantages of e-commerce: More competitors from across the globe, making it harder for the ...
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increase in use of fracking technology lead to 67% rise in employment. using fracking gives us more time to research more efficient souces of technology. Disadvantages. harmful …
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E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products and services using devices connected to an electronic. network., such as the internet. Three things are required ...
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Wave power
Waves are created when the wind blows air across the surface of water. The stronger the wind, the bigger the waves. And the bigger the waves the more kinetic energy they have. Kinetic energy can ...
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Tectonic landscapes and hazards
Tectonic hazards can destroy buildings, infrastructure and cause deaths. Earthquakes are caused by the release of built-up pressure at plate boundaries. They can destroy buildings and ...
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Production processes
Learn about and revise how business operations can impact business competition with BBC Bitesize GCSE Business – Eduqas. ... Disadvantages: Job: High profit margins for bespoke products:
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