(PDF) Environmental Costs of Exploiting Solid …
TRENDS IN SOLID MINERAL EXPLOITATION IN NIGERIA Exploitation of natural resources has been an ongoing activity for so long that historians mark major periods of …
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Exploitation of Resources | SpringerLink
Environmental effect of mineral exploitation in Nigeria. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2(2), 33–38. Google Scholar Aubell, H. S. J., & Mensah, H. K. (2007). Natural resource exploitation, environment and poverty: Linkages and impact on rural s in Asutifi in Ghana. Retrieved from Universitetet i Agder.
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Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Mineral …
Mineral exploitation in Nigeria dates back to the geological expeditions by the colonial master in the early part of the 20th century [4], [5]. It has resulted in revenue accruing earnings and economic development. In the southern part of Nigeria, especially the northern part of Edo State, solid mineral exploitation is an everyday activity that ...
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Nigeria's mining laws are handled by the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development which oversees the management of all mineral resources. 3.1.1 Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act Of 2007 'The Act' The Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act of 2007 was passed into law on March 16, 2007 to regulate all aspects of the exploration and exploitation of ...
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The main object of this research is to examine the legal and regulatory framework for solid minerals exploitation in Nigeria. The study employed a combination of doctrinal and empirical methods of conducting research. To this effect, materials are sourced from various areas of human endeavour such as the law, history, environmental sciences, as ...
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See B.N. Olurunfemi: "Exploitation of the Solid Minerals in Nigeria. A Strategic Approach" A paper presented at the Standard Trust Bank International Investment Summit, 11th January 2001 at Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja. 11 Ministry of Mines and Steel Development: Road Map for the Growth and Development of the Nigerian Mining …
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(PDF) Problems and Strategies for Exploration of Solid Mineral
The main object of this research is to examine the legal and regulatory framework for solid minerals exploitation in Nigeria. The study employed a combination of doctrinal and empirical methods of conducting research. To this effect, materials are sourced from various areas of human endeavour such as the law, history, environmental sciences, as ...
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The abundance of solid minerals in the country has led to massive exploitation in various ways that has brought about dire consequences on environmental resources.
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The exploitation of Nigeria's solid mineral endowments predates British colonial. rule, which began in 1861 and formally ended in 1960 when Nigeria attained. 2. independence from British ...
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Review of Environment and Earth Sciences
Mineral exploitation in Nigeria dates back to the geological expeditions by the colonial master in the early part of the 20th century [4], [5]. It has resulted in revenue accruing earnings and ...
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Nigeria: Mineral Policy | SpringerLink
Nigeria is a lower middle-income country with a surface area of 923.8 thousand square kilometers and population of between 140 and 188.686 million (National Mineral and Metal Policy 2008; World Bank 2017; IMF 2017).It has a population growth of 2.6% and a GDP of 405.08 billion US dollars with an annual GDP growth rate of −1.5% …
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in and control of all minerals, mineral oils, and natural resources under or upon any land in Nigeria in the Government of the Federation.1 The Mining Act. The Mining Act is Nigeria's major legislation governing the mining sector. It regulates all aspects of the exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria. The Mining Act
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The environmental implications of the exploration …
Its mineral exploration and exploitation activity boomed within Nigeria and, since then, tin ore has been mined in several parts of Nigeria including the Plateau …
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The environmental implications of the exploration and exploitation …
solid minerals exploitation in the country, if not properly controlled, will release further havoc on the environment. A.O. Omotehinse, B.D. Ako Journal of Sustainable Mining 18 (2019) 18–24
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Abstract. Natural resources exploitation, exploration, mining and processing have caused different types of environmental damages which include ecological disturbances, destruction of natural ...
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Environmental effect of mineral exploitation in Nigeria
The three stages of mineral development, viz exploration, mining and processing, have caused different types of environmental damages, which include ecological disturbance, destruction of natural flora and fauna, pollution of air, land and water, instability of soil and rock masses, landscape degradation and radiation hazards. The environmental damage …
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The environmental implications of the exploration and exploitation …
Its mineral exploration and exploitation activity boomed within Nigeria and, since then, tin ore has been mined in several parts of Nigeria including the Plateau Province, Bauchi, and Ilesha, with over 80% of the production coming from the Jos Plateau.
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Problems and Strategies for Exploration of Solid Mineral …
Based on the findings of this study, the problems of solid minerals in Nigeria are inadequate basic infrastructural, illegal mining, unfavorable laws in the sector, high capital outlay, inadequate ...
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Comparatively, the exploitation of solid mineral in Nigeria has been lower than that of agriculture/agro allied resources and crude petroleum and natural gas during the period under review. Furthermore, with respect to the percentage contribution of each natural resource sector to the Gross Domestic Product of Nigeria, Figure 1below shows the ...
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(PDF) Addressing the Socio-Economic and Community Issues …
Nigeria has vast mineral resources, with 44 different mineral occurrences in over 500 locations. 1 While many of the minerals, especially Gemstones, are exploited by Artisanal and
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Environmental impact assessment of coal mining at Enugu, Nigeria
Introduction. Nigerian Coal Corporation started mining in 1916 at Onyeama Coalfield, Enugu (Onwukeme Citation 1995), and in October 1977, their operations became mechanized (Asogwa Citation 1988).A literature search was unable to find any work carried out on environmental impact of mineral exploitation at a coal mined site in south …
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Solid Mineral Deposits and Mining in Nigeria:
Despite the huge reserves of solid minerals, Nigeria is regarded as a non-mining nation, and the contribution of this sector to the economy is minimal. The main object of this research is to examine the legal and regulatory framework for solid minerals exploitation in Nigeria. The study employed a combination of doctrinal and empirical methods ...
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All you need to know about Nigeria's new mining …
In November, the Nigerian government unveiled plans to revise its crucial mining law, the Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act (NMMA). The outdated law, which …
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(PDF) Impacts of Limestone Exploitation on the Socio …
Environmental Problems associated with Mineral Exploitation in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Nigeria Mining and Geosciences Society Environmental Pollution in the ...
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A wealth of sorrow: why Nigeria's abundant oil reserves …
Nigeria's first refinery, built in 1965 in Port Harcourt, in September 2015. Nigeria has failed to realise the economic potential of its oil resources. Photograph: Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images
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Adekoya, J.A (1995), Negative Governmental impact of mineral exploitation in Nigeria, in impact of human activities on the West African Savanna. Proceedings of the Regional Training Workshop held ...
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10 Problems Facing Exploitation of Minerals in Nigeria
Some of the Problems Facing the Exploitation of Minerals in Nigeria are: 1. Inadequate capital. In Nigeria, the necessary funds for the mining of mineral resources are always minimal, and not enough at all, and this has led to unsuccessful mining activities within the country's mining industry. Read Also: How to Produce Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly)
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Exploitation of mineral resources has assumed prime importance in several developing countries including Nigeria. Mineral resources are an important source of wealth for a nation but before they are harnessed, …
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16 Importance Of Mineral Resources to Nigeria
16 Importance Of Mineral Resources. Read Also: Problems Facing Exploitation of Minerals in Nigeria. Nigeria is a country that is vested with a lot of mineral resources which include; limestone, salt, gold, lignite, iron-ore, H.E.P., coal, lead, zinc, etc. These mineral resources help greatly to boost the economy of the country because …
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Acid Mine Drainage: The Footprint of the Nigeria …
Mining of solid minerals in Nigeria has been taking place since the beginning of the last century, and being a developing country with a characteristic lack of proper …
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