Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) | International Iron Metallics …
Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) is the product of the direct reduction of iron ore in the solid state by carbon monoxide and hydrogen derived from natural gas or coal. ... Some of the sponge iron plants are captive to steel mills, but there is a significant domestic merchant market, India producing 57% of its crude steel in electric arc furnaces (2016).
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Raw materials used in making Iron and steel
The basic raw materials for making iron and steel are: Iron ore. Iron ore is one of the basic among other raw materials used in the production of iron. It is described as any mineral substance that contains enough iron which makes its smelting a viable proposition, i.e. an iron content of less than 20%. Ores vary considerably in form and ...
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Production of Iron in the Blast Furnace | SpringerLink
The Iron Age began when the humans, probably by chance, discovered iron sponge when they were heating iron ores that were easily reduced. ... paid to achieve both an incomplete combustion and a reductant environment in the furnace favoring the formation of the sponge iron, which after the forging process had the following …
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The production process of sponge iron in rotary kilns …
4. Description of the process of producing sponge iron The most important raw materials required for the production of sponge iron are oxides in the form of iron ore / pellets, …
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calculated as 925.90 MJ and 41.74% per tonne of sponge iron, respectively. Exergy destroyed and exergy efficiency increase with the introduction of post-combustion in reduction zone.
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Electric Furnace Processes | SpringerLink
The total energy required to produce one tonne of liquid steel in an electric arc furnace ... Charging of very large quantity of sponge iron in a batch process poses operational problems. When greater percentages of sponge iron are to be charged, it is necessary to use continuous charging method. The usual practice is to charge a basket …
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Energy Conservation in Sponge Iron Production Process …
Many investigators [1]-[4] considered the manufacturing process of sponge iron and recommended improvement in that. It is found that during the operation in the coal based sponge iron plant, an incredible amount of heat is generated and a significant part of this heat associated with the waste gas, remains unutilized.
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5. The substitution of scrap by sponge iron has some limitations depending on the furnace operating conditions. Only 20% to 30% of sponge iron can be used in the furnace charge when feeding is done in batches. The proportion of sponge iron in the charge can however be increased to 40-50% by providing continuous feeding arrangements. A
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Profitability analysis of power generation using waste heat of sponge …
It is used as prime source in steel making process. It is found in the literature that required amount of energy for rotary kiln is in the range from 14.63 GJ to 20.9 GJ per tonne of sponge iron [2]. Although, during the operation enormous amount of heat is generated, which remains unutilized in the process.
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Sponge Iron | SpringerLink
Xu Kuangdi. 1 Accesses. Download reference work entry PDF. Sponge iron adopts direct reduction ironmaking method to obtain iron with sponge-like pores inside. …
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Raw Materials for Sponge Iron Making and Steel …
Various types of raw materials for making sponge iron and steel products such as coal, iron ore and dolomite iron ore and Dolomite coal are the main raw materials for producing sponge iron. They are used to rotary …
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Recovery and utilization of waste heat in a coal based sponge iron process
The waste gas enters into this exchanger with a velocity of 7 kg/s and is cooled from 214.5 °C to 115.18 °C and consequently, heating the air flowing at 5 kg/s from 30 °C to 170 °C. The overall heat transfer coefficient is estimated to be 52.56 W/m 2 K. Preheating of air up to 170 °C reduces the coal consumption.
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Energy survey of the coal based sponge iron industry
A survey is made on a typical coal based Indian sponge iron plant of capacity 500 t/d in order to identify the largest energy losses and find ways to increase the efficiency. The required data are obtained by measurements or taken from production industries. The process efficiency is about 51.31%.
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What is Sponge Iron?
Sponge iron is a metallic product made through the direct reduction of iron ore in the solid state. It is also known as naturally reduced iron (DRI). The process of making sponge iron aims to expel oxygen from the iron ore and increase its quality. Compared to conventional blast furnaces, this method reduces steel production costs …
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Scrap Analysis For Steel Billet Production In Continuous …
Process Akhil Viswanath.K C P1 Pand Dr. N. M. Nagarajan P 2 P 1 PFinal Year M.Tech in Manufacturing Engineering, KMCT College of Engineering, Calicut, Kerala P 2 P Professor & Head,Dept. of ME, KMCT College of Engineering, Calicut, Kerala Abstract— Steel scrap is one of the most important raw-materials in steelmaking, which contributes
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Sponge Iron | SpringerLink
Based on C/Fe ratio of 0.42–0.44, the coal input in the process varies between 1.10 and 1.20 tonne per tonne of sponge iron, depending on the ash content of …
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Development of energy conservations scenarios for sponge iron …
Cost of sponge iron production varies with different inputs such as iron ore, coal, dolomite, fuel, maintenance, depreciation, power, etc. Costs of these inputs, taken directly from the plant, for 1 tonne production of sponge iron are drawn in Fig. 4, which shows that a significant component of total cost, i.e., 31.8% is due to coal.
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From Ore to Iron with Smelting and Direct Iron Reduction
Smelting Reduction. Figure 2: The smelt reduction vessel (SRV) is the core technology component of the Hismelt process. Source: RioTinto While years of ironmaking technology innovations have optimized blast furnace productivity, two alternative processes—smelting reduction and direct iron reduction— are growing in adoption. The …
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Energy integration of sponge iron production process
I. INTRODUCTION Sponge iron is a metallic mass with honeycomb structure. It is a form of iron produced from direction reduction of iron oxide below the fusion temperature of iron ore (1535oC) by utilizing hydrocarbon gases or carbonaceous fuels as coal. Sponge iron is produced primarily both by using non-coking coal and natural gas as reductant ...
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Sponge iron: Uses, process formula, iron plant, and more
Sponge iron also known as direct reduced iron is the product of reducing iron oxide in the form of iron ore and through the reaction with carbon in the form of coil. Further, it is melted at 1100° C which produces sponge iron. Let's understand in-depth the uses and applications of sponge iron, the production process, and more.
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Coal based Direct Reduction Rotary Kiln Process …
The coal based direct reduction rotary kiln process was developed for converting iron ore directly into metallic iron without the melting of the materials. The process has the advantage of low capital …
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How much hydrogen is in green steel? | npj Materials …
Hydrogen-based reduction of iron ores is the key technology for future sustainable ironmaking, to mitigate the CO2 burden from the steel industry, accounting for ~7–8% of all global emissions.
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Chapter 1 Review of Sponge Iron Making Process …
metallic iron is called as degree of metallization in sponge iron technology. Sponge Iron Making Process(Coal Based) Krupp-Renn Process : The Krupp-Renn process was …
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production of steel & iron ore requirements
For producing one tonne of crude steel, 1.6 tonnes of iron ore consumption has been assumed. If we add iron ore requirements of RINL of about 5.00MT (3.13 MT x 1.6 tonnes), the total iron ore requirements from non-captive mines work out to 58.31MT or about 60MT. Out of the total requirements of about 60 MT, NMDC supplied about 24 …
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How much hydrogen will be needed to replace coal in making …
So each tonne of 'new' steel has typically required about 6 MWh in the process of getting from iron ore to a finished steel product, such as coil used for making the exteriors of cars. The coal energy needed for steel-making is therefore. 1.35 billion tonnes of steel times 6 MWh = about 8,000 Terawatt hours (TWh) = as a comparison, …
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Direct Reduced Iron and its Production …
Feed material for the DR process is either sized iron ore of size ranging from 10 mm to 30 mm or iron ore pellets of size ranging from 8 mm to 20 mm produced in an iron ore pellet plant. The gas based …
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Energy integration of sponge iron production …
I. INTRODUCTION Sponge iron is a metallic mass with honeycomb structure. It is a form of iron produced from direction reduction of iron oxide below the fusion temperature of iron …
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(PDF) i) Direct Reduced Iron: Production
Processes that produce iron by reduction of iron ore (in solid state) below the melting point are generally classified as DR processes. B a s e do nt h e types of reductant used, DR processes can
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The perspective of hydrogen direct reduction of iron
Industrial-scale hydrogen-ironmaking, also known as direct reduction of iron (DRI) using hydrogen, is a process that aims to produce iron without the use of fossil fuels ( Chevrier, 2020; van Vuuren et al., 2022; Tang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021; Ledari et al., 2023 ). This process has the potential to significantly reduce carbon dioxide ...
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The production process of sponge iron in rotary kilns …
4. Description of the process of producing sponge iron The most important raw materials required for the production of sponge iron are oxides in the form of iron ore / pellets, coking coal (with high reactive properties) and melting materials such as lime and dolomite. Exercise caution and care. By using high purity pellets and low
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